A Great Mother’s Day

I totally dropped the ball on posting for Mother’s Day (among other posts). Once I remembered that I wanted to, I hadn’t taken a pic of the gift.
Lo gave me part of my gift on Friday because he got them on Friday since he’d be out of town on Saturday at Indy for a race (but not the Indy 500…that’s this weekend). He nailed it. Goodies from Cherbourg Bakery. This gluten-free bakery is AMAZING – whether you are gluten-free or not. You’d never know the gluten is missing. Blueberry muffin, chocolate donut, lemon bars, smores bars (the best), and espresso brownies. I shared some with him of course.
I was so excited about the baked goods that I didn’t even notice the vase of flowers on the table. I think he finally had to say something about them like an hour later. Oops!
On Saturday it was me and Jenson on our own. We took a nap. He initially fell asleep laying across my neck and it was hard to breathe. When I moved him, I got this before I was able to escape.
On actual Mother’s Day, we facetimed with Lo’s mom and we hung out around the house most of the day. I decided I wanted ice cream, so we hurried to the Velvet Ice Cream factory before it closed. It’s about 15 minutes away and was so good. Jenson even got a little bit of vanilla ice cream (we don’t give him many sweets still). They had a little petting zoo and I petted (pet?) a mini horse and then regretted it because it looked a little skanky. The night before I’d dreamed about a mini horse that lived in our ravine. He was awesome and not skanky at all (and he talked). Anyway, once we got home we Facetimed with my mom while Jenson took a bath.
I realized I’d spent the last 2 Mother’s Days in Vegas – the first when I was pregnant and we went for my sister’s wedding, and the second when we went to meet Max for the first time and it just happened to fall on Mother’s Day. But it was just as good at home this year. Lo also got me this – it’s a curved glass picture. It’s perfect in the kitchen window because the light shines through it. The picture on the right was right after we moved in – Jenson’s face is awesome.
It’s awesome being Jenson’s mom – even if he calls me daddy. He means the same….