Birthday Successes and Failures

Birthday Successes and Failures
Saturday was my husband’s birthday!  He turned 34.  He wanted a low-key birthday with sushi for dinner.
I was excited to make my husband a cake using the best gluten-free yellow cake mix, Better Batter, and homemade chocolate buttercream frosting.  This cake mix really is amazing if you have to eat gluten-free…it literally tastes like real cake.  It’s usually about $7-$8 per box, but worth every penny.  I had to do double layer for the best frosting to cake ratio.
better batter cakes
And the homemade frosting turned out wonderfully, though I’m not skilled frosting spreader.

better batter cake frosted

I decided to decorate it with a bunch of Reese’s cups because he kind of has an obsession with them lately.  The 23 Reese’s cups surrounded the edge and spelled “Lo” on top.
lo's birthday cake
side cake
We went for sushi with our friends at our favorite place and were gone about an hour and a half.  He was forced to wear the creepy mask while they played the drums and sang Happy Birthday.

creepy mask

Our friends ran home to get their dogs to come to our house for cake.  When we got home, we found this.  The cake is (mostly) under the back of the chair.  Somehow she knocked over a chair and pulled the tablecloth off the table along with the cake.  We truly didn’t think she was capable of such a feat.  1/3 of the cake and 13 Reese’s cups went missing (nearly all of the was “recovered” mostly whole a little while later, luckily in the yard and not in the house).

boofs cake

Everyone was looking forward to cake, so I whipped up another cake really quick – unfortunately it wasn’t Better Batter…and I had to use canned frosting and no Reese’s Cups.  🙁  But it was still yellow cake with chocolate frosting, and it was good enough, though not pretty.

cake number 2
Boof will be continuing with her prescription diet food indefinitely.

In successes…

Luckily I made an awesome looking breakfast that morning and she didn’t ruin that!  Gluten-free chocolate chip pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream, and a side of candied-cayenne bacon.  His didn’t have strawberries because he’s not into fruit so much.

lo's birthday breakfast

Oh, and technically he made the bacon.  But either way, breakfast was way more successful than dessert!

birthday breakfast


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