Boof is being a weirdo

Boof has been acting seriously weird lately.  Awhile back she got over not wanting me around when I started giving her her evening meal and walking her slightly more (but still only occasionally because her slow walking KILLS me).  I guess giving her the evening meals won back her favor considering her meals are more important to her than anything.  So all was normal and she seems to like us just the same most days.

And then Lo left for the weekend.  He went camping with friends for the Mid-Ohio race so it was just the two of us at home.  I was home for the most part with her, minus running errands on Saturday and Sunday for a couple of hours.  She wasn’t particularly needy with me – at night I’d sit in my recliner on the computer watching tv and she’s sleep on the couch.  It’s not comfortable for me to sit on the couch with my laptop anymore, but she didn’t care.  I let her sleep in the bed with me on Friday and Saturday night – which she absolutely loved.  On Friday night when we went upstairs I just patted the bed and she jumped right up and settled down really quickly (like I might change my mind).  On Saturday when we went upstairs, she stood outside to door looking at me until I pointed to the bed and said “go ahead” – and then she sprinted onto the bed.

On Sunday afternoon after I got back from errands, she started acting weird.  She was whining, so I decided to take her on her walk a little early.  She walked across the street to our neighbors driveway and stood there for a few minutes (like we were supposed to go there) and then when I tried to get her to start walking, she wanted to go back across the street to our house.  But she wouldn’t go in the house – she just kept walking to and sitting at each of the car doors looking at me.  And then she started whining/howling when I asked her what she wanted.  Finally I just made her go in the house.  At this point she started following me around like a shadow.  I gave her a treat to work on and went into the backyard and around to the garage to get some tools to weed the garden on the side of the house.  While I was in there, she realized I was gone and starting a horrible cry/whine/howl like she was being tortured.  I think she thought I left her again.  So I ran back inside and calmed her down before I started weeding.  Since the side yard isn’t fenced, she had to stay in the backyard and kept coming to the gate 5 feet from where I was working and would whine.  I think she knew it was Sunday and was expecting to see her dog cousins like most Sundays, so I text Kelley and asked if we could come over later because she was being crazy.  When I finished weeding (it was hot!) I was dying to get in the pool, so I fed her and put on my suit and grabbed some salad and fruit to take.  Lo got home just as I was finishing up.  I wasn’t expecting him for a couple of hours, but he said to go ahead and go over because he needed to unpack, shower, and relax.  Boof was completely ignoring him – she couldn’t care less that he walked in the door.  It was so sad!

I took her over to play with the dogs and they were all excited to see each other (it’s really funny how excited they all get).  I got in the pool for a bit, ate dinner with them, and then headed home after about 2 hours.  Boof continued to be my shadow, but at least hung out on the couch with Lo while we watched tv.  When we went up to bed, she stood inside the door looking at me for an invitation, but I told her she had to sleep in her bed and she walked sadly into her crate (we don’t shut the door, but she sleeps in her bed in there and seems to like it).

On Monday after work, I had a shadow everywhere I went.  At first I thought it was because she thought it was time to eat and didn’t want me to forget, but it didn’t end after she ate.  I was upstairs cleaning for a while and she just sat up there with me, which she never does unless she wants her walk or food (both of which she had).  I went to the basement to do laundry and she followed me.  I went back upstairs to grab something and she followed me.  Everywhere I went she wasn’t going to let me go on my own – she even started following me into the bathroom at one point.  I don’t know what’s going on with her – if she thinks Lo abandoned her and has written him off until he wins her favor back, or what.  I don’t know why she being so clingy to me – when she’s been “done” with me in the past, she doesn’t follow him everywhere.   She’s a dog that cannot help wagging her tail if someone says something (anything) to her, and her tail was just not wagging last night for anything hardly.

Hopefully she gets over her issue soon, but at the very least, I know she’ll be excited to go visit my family soon and that’ll make everything better for her.  I guess this is the kind of thing that happens with dog who has been abandoned twice in her young life, poor thing.

I would say she even looks sad as she’s sleeping right now (on camera), but she always looks sad when she’s sleeping.

boof sleeping

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