Slow walkers, colds, and volleyball

Slow walkers, colds, and volleyball

Just a few thoughts from the week…none of which deserve a full post… Just like when driving, if you are a slow walker, you should stay to the right. I walk several blocks to/from my car for work and constantly get stuck by two people 

What to expect: Bringing baby home

What to expect: Bringing baby home

I found this post languishing in drafts from awhile ago, and decided I should finish it.  I know a lot of people who’ve brought home babies recently, or who are about to, so I’ve been thinking about all of that newborn stuff lately.  We also 

Photo Favorites: January 19-25, 2015

Photo Favorites: January 19-25, 2015

We had a 3 day weekend for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, so that’s always amazing!  We played lots of “chase” and “king of the couch”.  Jenson got a cold towards the end of the week – It stinks because I feel like we can’t 

Little eyes are watching

Little eyes are watching

Little eyes are watching, little ears are listening, little hearts are feeling. They see how you treat your spouse, parents, in-laws, siblings, and neighbors. They feel love, or lack of love, between parents.  You may think that you are putting on a good show, but 

Photo Favorites: January 12-18, 2015

Photo Favorites: January 12-18, 2015

We had a busy week!  Jenson’s swimming classes started this week.  He likes being in the pool, but it takes him awhile to get warmed up in new situations, so he doesn’t start to seem like he’s having fun until the end.  The class is 

Red Hot Problem

Red Hot Problem

I have a Red Hot problem…a Frank’s Red Hot problem.  I don’t even know how it started…I never liked it before – at all.  If I was going to choose a hot sauce, it would be a chipotle flavored something or sriracha (how the hell 

Jenson update: 15 months

Jenson update: 15 months

Jenson is 15 months!  We had a great Christmas season, though the year ended with him having a really bad stomach bug.  Luckily he got to see all of our family before that got too bad.  He still didn’t “get” Christmas, but he had fun 

Unbreakable records, er, Top 10 albums

Unbreakable records, er, Top 10 albums

I was listening to sports talk radio last week and the host said they’d be talking about their top 5 unbreakable records later.  I immediately starting thinking about my top 5 unbreakable records…trying to come up with my own list.  I thought about this for 

Don’t ask the internet

Don’t ask the internet

I have to imagine that parenting was easier back in the day, because of what people didn’t know. That may sound like a weird statement, but hear me out. When a mom had a question 30 years ago, who did she turn to? Her mom/siblings, 

On the decluttering bandwagon again, kind of

On the decluttering bandwagon again, kind of

The first of the year brings about lots of resolutions and goals for many people…often about health and fitness, or organization.  I’ve never been one to make resolutions – I just try to make changes that I want to make throughout the year, instead of