Thoughts Lately…

Just some random thoughts lately… Jenson said ba-bye and waved at me when I left this morning (for the first time).  So adorable. I keep a sweater at work that I throw on when I wear short sleeves if my under-the-desk heater isn’t keeping me 

Photo Favorites: September 8-14, 2014

Photo Favorites: September 8-14, 2014

I just realized that I didn’t update this opening paragraph from the previous photo post.  Durr…  Jenson got over his cold and was back to normal (normal meaning, still not sleeping well).  He was just in the habit of waking up and getting picked up 

Feel Good Friday

Feel Good Friday

Here’s my Friday spiel (which I almost missed): There’s a lot of crap in the world, so let’s talk about things that made us feel good this week…because it’s Friday – and that’s reason enough.  It’s easy enough to focus on the things that aren’t 

Photo Favorites : September 1-7, 2014

Photo Favorites : September 1-7, 2014

This was a rough week for Jenson.  He had a cold – was really congested and had a runny nose.  No surprise, he started sleeping pretty poorly this week (and it currently hasn’t stopped).  He was waking a lot and needed extra snuggles in the 

Photo Favorites : August 25-31, 2014

Photo Favorites : August 25-31, 2014

The last week of August was a big week for Jenson.  It seemed like he made so many changes during that week.  He found his clapping rhythm and I got an awesome video of him clapping to “I’ve Got to Break Free” by Queen.  After 

Feel Good Friday

Here’s my Friday spiel: There’s a lot of crap in the world, so let’s talk about things that made us feel good this week…because it’s Friday – and that’s reason enough.  It’s easy enough to focus on the things that aren’t perfect or on drama, 

Hobbies and Motherhood

Hobbies and Motherhood

As I mentioned in another post, I started playing indoor volleyball again.  It’s a lot of fun and it’s a super-competitive league.  I feel like I’m doing well enough – my hitting and blocking is coming along and my defense is spot on (served up 

Photo Favorites : August 18-24 , 2014

Photo Favorites : August 18-24 , 2014

Since he started crawling the week before, he was all over the place this week!  It opened a whole new world to him to be able to play with what he wants, when he wants.  He did a little better sleeping this week and we 

Feel Good Friday

Feel Good Friday

Same thing this week…I almost forgot to post!   I know there were a few things that I meant to remember for this, but can’t. Here’s my spiel: There’s a lot of crap in the world, so let’s talk about things that made us feel good 



Remembering all of those who were affected on this day in 2001, and those who sacrificed for America as a result, in the years following the attacks. This day is a reminder that while our country feels so safe and isolated from attack compared to