Abuse is not love, Mrs. Rice.

Abuse is not love, Mrs. Rice.

Let’s talk about this Ray Rice situation.  Let me start by saying thank God he was released from the Ravens.  Hopefully he is banned for life.  I know there are a lot of bad people in the NFL – who are role models for our 

Photo Favorites : August 11-17, 2014

Photo Favorites : August 11-17, 2014

We had a pretty calm week this week.  It’s probably the week that I took the least amount of pictures since Jenson was born.  Choosing the photo favorites for this week was a cinch.  It was my birthday week (Sunday) and I didn’t mean to 

Feel Good Friday

There’s a lot of crap in the world (especially this week with I.S. activity again) , so let’s talk about things that made us feel good this week…because it’s Friday – and that’s reason enough.  It’s easy enough to focus on the things that aren’t 

Photo Favorites : August 4 – 10, 2014

Our life started to get back to normal this week.  Less busy, just able to relax and play with Jenson.  He was getting into crawling position constantly, but only going backwards or doing his sit/crawl position shuffle.  He’d get into crawling position and then sit, 

Growing up: by the light of the moon

Growing up: by the light of the moon

Tonight my baby boy woke up around 11:30 p.m., crying pretty hard.  I had just sat down for “my time” after getting things done around the house, and my husband had gone to bed about 30 minutes earlier.  As usual, on the rare occasion that 

Feel Good Friday

There’s a lot of crap in the world, so let’s talk about things that made us feel good this week…because it’s Friday – and that’s reason enough.  It’s easy enough to focus on the things that aren’t perfect or on drama, but it’s not worth 

Feel Good Friday

I decided to post for Feel Good Friday again…because it feels good.  I can’t say I’ll remember to do it every week, considering I’m weeks behind on weekly updates, and 1/2 month behind on his 10 month update, but I’ll try when I remember. There’s 

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge: Accepted!

If you’re on social media, you’ve seen videos the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.  It was spreading so quickly through my friends that I knew it was coming for us soon.  While at dinner with my friend tonight she said she was glad she hasn’t been 

Feel Good Friday

There’s a lot of crap in the world, so let’s talk about things that made us feel good this week…because it’s Friday – and that’s reason enough.  It’s easy enough to focus on the things that aren’t perfect or on drama, but it’s not worth 

26 Random Things

I made this list awhile ago and never posted it, so here are 25 random things about me, ala U.S. Weekly.  Usually people do 25 things, but I miscounted. I’m the youngest of 6 girls. No-no brothers, no- we aren’t catholic, yes – my parents