Sunday Social: blog q’s

I’m linking up for Sunday Social with Ashley and Neely.  This week’s questions are about the blog and its an exact repeat from last year, but oh well. 1. What is the name of your blog? How long have you been blogging?  That’s What We 

Friday iPhone Dump: Before Christmas

So I got behind on my photo “dumps”.  Shocker, right?!  Well, I don’t really want to skip over a few weeks, so I’m back-tracking and will probably eventually (maybe?) catch up.  Luckily, I’m only a couple of photo posts behind. Jen at Ramblings of a 

Back to work after maternity leave

I went back to work on Wednesday.  I knew it was going to be hard.  I tried not to think much about it in the days leading up to the end of my maternity leave, but I’d occasionally get teary while I was sitting on 

Friday iPhone Dump: Ready for Christmas

I’m linking up with Jen over at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom for Friday iPhone Dump today, and I’m only a day late!  These are my fav pictures from the week…which was also my last week off of work.  I go back on Wednesday. 🙁 

Friday (sunday) iPhone Dump – Thanksgiving and such

I’m linking up with Jen over at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom for Friday iPhone Dump today.  I’m late posting this again because I couldn’t keep track of what day of the week it was all week.  I thought Wednesday was Tuesday, Thursday was Wednesday…I 

Sunday Social: Thankful

Sunday Social: Thankful

It’s Sunday Social day where Ashley and Neely post questions each week for people to answer on their blogs and a linkup.  This week there aren’t any questions…we are just supposed to list what we are thankful for.  I could go on and on….I have 

Friday iPhone Dump: Back to work for Lo

I’m linking up with Jen over at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom for Friday iPhone Dump.  Lo had to go back to work after the weekend. 🙁  Obviously we are lucky to have had so much time, but it’s still no fun, especially for him.  

Friday iPhone Dump: Family Visit part 2

I’m linking up with Jen over at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom for Friday iPhone Dump.  We had a busy week with lots of visitors…this is the second half of the visits.  Friday and Saturday night we had 9 family members staying with us.  I 

Friday iPhone Dump on Tuesday

I’m linking up with Jen over at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom for Friday iPhone Dump today.  It’s not Friday though…it’s Tuesday.  I’ve been busy but I didn’t want to miss posting these because we had a ton of visitors over the last two weekends 

Sunday Social: Halloween

Sunday Social: Halloween

It’s Sunday Social day where Ashley and Neely post questions each week for people to answer on their blogs and a linkup.  This week’s questions are all about Halloween. 1. What was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid? I don’t remember honestly.  I only