Sunday Social: Movies

It’s Sunday Social day where Ashley and Neely post questions each week for people to answer on their blogs and a linkup.  This week’s questions are all about movies. 1. What is your favorite movie of all time? Teen Wolf.  I can’t help it.  I 

Sunday Social: Style

It’s Sunday Social day where Ashley and Neely post questions each week for people to answer on their blogs and a linkup.  This week the questions are about style…so I have essentially no useful answers. What is your favorite store to shop at?  For clothes 

Sunday Social: Pet Peeves and more

It’s Sunday Social day where Ashley and Neely post questions each week for people to answer on their blogs and a linkup. 1. What is your biggest driving pet peeve? Just one, lol?  Probably people not using their turn signal – whether turning or switching 

Sunday Social: about my blog

It’s Sunday Social day where Ashley and Neely post questions each week for people to answer on their blogs and a linkup. How did you come up with your blog name?  That’s What She Said was already taken (of course) and since I wanted this 

Sunday Social Linkup: Social and Summertime

It’s Sunday Social day where Ashley and Neely post questions each week for people to answer on their blogs and a linkup. 1. What is your favorite Social Media outlet? Facebook – as much useless info that in on Facebook, I find there is even 

Sunday Social: Summer fun

It’s Sunday Social day where Ashley and Neely post questions each week for people to answer on their blogs and a linkup. Best Summer memory as a kid?  Hmmm…I guess just being outside in the evening playing games with my sisters and anyone else who 

Sunday Social: Summer lovin’

It’s Sunday Social day where Ashley and Neely post questions each week for people to answer on their blogs and a linkup. 1. What is your favorite kind of surprise?  I don’t really know what this means…I guess good surprises?  Maybe something I wanted but 

Sunday Social: 4 Things

It’s Sunday Social day where Ashley and Neely post questions each week for people to answer on their blogs and a linkup. 1. 4 favorite things to do on a weekend  (it depends on the season, but I’ll go with spring/summer) sleeping in hanging out 

Sunday Social: Days of Youth

It’s Sunday Social day where Ashley and Neely post questions each week for people to answer on their blogs and a linkup. Did you sleepwalk as a child? No.  I do some talking in my sleep, but I don’t know if I did that as 

Sunday Social: Weaknesses

It’s Sunday Social day where Ashley and Neely post questions each week for people to answer on their blogs and a linkup. What is your shopping weakness? I wouldn’t say I have a clothing weakness, but I do buy a lot of cardigans because I’m