Christmas Day 2015

We stayed at home on Christmas Day since we wanted to remain close to Columbus in case the baby came early (spoiler alert….she didn’t). It was a really nice and relaxing day with just our little family. We started the day when Jenson woke up around 7:45 a.m. Luckily he didn’t know to be excited for Christmas yet and didn’t wake earlier.
We opened stockings…
Started in on the gifts (Boof was happy to discover treats in her stocking).
Jenson wanted to open and play with each toy as he unwrapped them – which makes perfect sense. Toddlers aren’t really into delayed gratification.
Jenson lost steam and didn’t want to finish opening the gifts after a bit, so we took a break.
Boof trying will the treats out of the bag, and then resorted to begging with kisses.
Family photo!
He got tired and cuddly and I noticed he felt warm. He had a bit of a fever so we gave him some Tylenol and snuggled up on the couch and watched some tv shows.
He perked up and played with some of his toys.
Throughout the afternoon and evening we’d ask him if he wanted to open another gift until he finished all of them, including some gifts sent by family members.
Picture of the full Christmas moon through the trees out of our kitchen window.
Even though we didn’t get to be with family, we had a nice, cozy Christmas and enjoyed a Honeybaked ham, potatoes, and cornbread…plus lots of cookies for me. It was Jenson’s last Christmas as an only child and it was nice to be able to enjoy it and focus on him without having to leave home for the day.