Christmas Lights in Downtown Newark

I don’t think we are going to make it to Wildlights at the Zoo this year – with the warm weather, the crowds have been crazy, and well, I’m giant pregnant.
We were supposed to meet some of Jenson’s friends at the Worthington Mall to play and see Santa, but one of them was sick and I’d been having bad heartburn, so we decided to just skip it. Since Jenson was excited about seeing Jaxon and wasn’t going to get to, we decided to just walk around downtown Newark and check out that lights at the Courthouse.
The lights are pretty impressive, and there’s music playing, so it was really nice. We walked all the way around the block to see all four sides, and then went to dinner nearby. Jenson seemed to enjoy the lights and the statues, and as usual, when we were driving away he asked “come back sometime?”