Commons for Kids

Another post started a month ago…
Jenson and I headed downtown for the last Commons for Kids event of the season at the Columbus Commons. We went into the Supreme Court first to visit my former co-workers. Half of them ended up being off that day, but they hadn’t seen him since right before I resigned in April. While we were there, he kept saying something that sounded like “alligator” and I couldn’t figure it out. He started saying it within the first 5 minutes that we were in the office, and he kept pointing up front and saying it. I thought maybe he saw a random drawing of an alligator in someone’s cube, but that seemed really random. Finally when we went to leave the office and headed towards the elevators….he pointed and said it again…and duh – it clicked with me. So elegator = elevator. Noted.
We headed to the Commons, but there was only about 45 minutes left. It was enough time to ride the free carousel a couple of times – he LOVED it, play with some musical equipment, and some big foam building blocks. The rest of the exhibits were closing up, but he was getting super sleepy anyway. He ate the lunch I packed for him before we rode the carousel one last time, and we headed to the car. I knew he was going to crash within about 5 minutes, and I was hopeful he’d transfer into the house well, so I changed his diaper in the trunk while parked on Front Street. It worked out great because he DID transfer into the house and slept for almost 2 more hours! Nap win. He talked about the animals that he rode on the carousel for days (horses, elephants, giraffes). He didn’t actually ride all of the ones he was naming, but he saw them.