Daddy’s Helper

Jenson has gotten used to being with me all of the time and he isn’t as clingy with Lo anymore, but he’s still a daddy’s boy most of the time. He doesn’t cry for him that often anymore – usually just when I’ve told him no about something and he’s “mad” at me. And at bedtime. He cries for Lo to take him to bed at night, but as soon as we get upstairs, he’s fine.
He’s a good helper and works around the yard with him. That’s a good thing because there’s a lot of work to be done in this yard and we might as well start him young.
Helping daddy mow (don’t worry – he’s wearing ear protection). The mowing here is a part-time job. We have a riding mower to buy from someone, but we have to get/borrow a trailer to get it to our house.
Picking up sticks and rocks in the yard. When my mom came to visit, she got him picking up rocks and sticking them through the fence towards the ravine, so he’s still constantly doing that too.
Trying to figure out to do with the “water feature”/pond. It has since been torn out.
Wearing Lo’s socks around the house. He wore them most of a night.
It’s awesome.