Early Christmas Celebration

Since we weren’t sure when the baby would come, we planned an early Christmas with Loren’s family for the weekend before Christmas. My doctor seemed sure the baby would come early, so we wanted to be at home for the week or so before my due date.
We had lots of good food and fun. Jenson got a TON of great gifts and had fun opening them. He plays with his new toys so much that we were able to put away a lot of his old toys and he hasn’t even noticed. He got clothes, books, Star Wars Potato Head, Hot Wheels, car-carrier truck (can’t think of what to call it), Squigz, a giant floor piano (like in Big), a doctor kit, and a bunch of other stuff. We had a Yankee Swap for the adults…I took home an Amazon gift card and selfie stick, and Lo got a box of food/snacks.
He danced with Snoopy and ate lots of snacks.
Jenson had a lot of fun playing with Sadie – they are starting to be more on equal terms as far as playing together. He did a little light reading with Uncle Patrick (they had their own dance party with Snoopy earlier too).
And then there was the dance party with Nana, Meemaw, and Aunt Char to Frankie Valli. He was having so much fun that a nap was a no-go, so he was pretty tired by the time we left.