Feel Good Friday

Same thing this week…I almost forgot to post! I know there were a few things that I meant to remember for this, but can’t.
Here’s my spiel: There’s a lot of crap in the world, so let’s talk about things that made us feel good this week…because it’s Friday – and that’s reason enough. It’s easy enough to focus on the things that aren’t perfect or on drama, but it’s not worth it. So here are my feel good friday things….
I finally changed the theme on this blog. It needed updated for SO long and there still a lot that needs done, but it’s a start.
Got to spend some quality time with our friends this weekend. Kelley and I were so engrossed in conversation that we didn’t realize the Buckeyes had been behind the entire game until the 4th quarter.
NFL season started! Even though my fantasy team draft looked pretty good, my team did not do well. They actually sucked. But I’m not crazy into it anymore, so it doesn’t ruin my day like it would have 7 years ago. I just love watching football and try to enjoy it whether my players or my teams (OSU and Steelers) suck (and the Steelers did suck last night).
My first indoor volleyball game of the fall was on Tuesday. Even though I’m terrible at working out anymore, I wasn’t awful. My hitting isn’t going to impress anyone but I had 4 or 5 pancakes. For those who don’t know what a pancake is, it’s when you dive and get your hand between the court and the ball. If it’s “clean” (which means it hit your hand and not the court), it pops right up. I’ve always been good at this, but have never had more than 2 or 3 in a game (and even that is a lot). My teammates finally realize that if I dive for it like that, I’m probably going to get the ball up, so they better be ready to play it.
A friend took my recommendation to get a rock-n-play (or something similar) for their newborn to sleep in (since he wasn’t sleeping well) and it worked and they are all so much happier. I’m just glad that it worked because those first few weeks are SO hard and you have no idea what you are doing (when it’s your first). I always tell everyone who is pregnant that they can ask me ANYTHING and I’ll try to offer support. I learned a lot from others who had babies before me (especially my SIL), so I’m thrilled to pass on info when asked.
My coworker was happy when I wore my new black pants again. He actually said that he saw from across the street and was super-excited because I hadn’t worn them for awhile (they were languishing in the laundry). Pants don’t usually look fab on me, so it made me feel good that these apparently work for me. (again, he is gay, so it’s not weird or inappropriate for him to comment on how good my pants look)
Fall. I like fall. Except that it leads to winter.
Jenson’s cold is gone (he was never miserable, but it sucks to seem him uncomfortable in any way)
I “think” I’ve successfully cut out my before-bed pumping. Part of that is because he’s been waking between 1130-1 and I usually have to nurse him a bit at that point, but I’m going to try to suffer through it even if/when he doesn’t wake so my body will adjust.
Get to see some family this weekend. <3