Feel Good Friday

Here’s my Friday spiel (which I almost missed): There’s a lot of crap in the world, so let’s talk about things that made us feel good this week…because it’s Friday – and that’s reason enough. It’s easy enough to focus on the things that aren’t perfect or on drama, but it’s not worth it. So here are my feel good friday things….
We celebrated our 4th anniversary on Saturday (it was on Sunday) by going to dinner while Lo’s mom stayed with Jenson. I kept saying it was our 3rd…I guess time flies? Dinner was great – we went to J.Liu and met friends for a drink afterwards.
Lo’s parents spent the night when his mom heard Jenson wake up (in our room), she swooped in and grabbed him so we could sleep in. We stayed in bed until 11:30, I think! That’s not crazy for me, but it’s crazy for Lo.
We spent the day of our anniversary painting our kitchen counters with Giani countertop paint – they turned out SO well! Later we went to a friend’s house to say goodbye to another friend who was moving.
Jenson got his first haircut! I was pretty nervous that it wouldn’t look good, but she did a great job considering he was a little squirmy on my lap. They took before and after pictures and they are adorable!
We had his 1 year pictures and some family photos done. It was at the same place that we had maternity photos taken and we replicated a pose with him in it and it looks great! She just sent a ton of edited pics tonight and they are wonderful. He wasn’t being very smiley that night, but she got some cute ones.
This was my first week of two nights of volleyball and Lo did great with bedtimes. If we could just get Jenson to stay asleep in his crib the whole night, we’d be set. The games were fun though, and we stopped for a drink afterwards. (after I checked to make sure he was sleeping okay).
I donated to a fundraiser to buy holiday gifts for kids with pediatric cancer. It was organized by a friend of a friend whose son had cancer twice before he was 7 – I met her when she was pregnant with him. Just thinking about someone going through that with their child makes me tear up.
We had dinner with friends a few times, and have more friend plans coming up soon.
There’s probably more for this week…we had a nice week with family, friends, and getting stuff done.