Friday Photo Dump: Feb 10 – Feb 16

Friday Photo Dump: Feb 10 – Feb 16

Jen at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom hosts a Friday Photo Dump linkup and its a fun way to post a few (or bunch) pictures from the week.  I switched my date range to Monday-Sunday because it wasn’t working for me to try to get the pictures up from the night before on Friday.

It was another off and on fussy week for Jenson.  He’s getting good about getting things to his mouth and was a drool and spit-up monster.  We went to visit my family over the weekend and I joked that it was BYOB (bring your own burp cloth).  He wasn’t very cuddly over the weekend (except with me), so I felt bad that everyone didn’t get to hold him as much like when we were home over Christmas.  But he so much more interactive, so he’s a lot of fun to be around.  He’s started to learn to “yell” at us when he’s mad and is definitely getting more opinionated, but in general, he’s happy and smiling.

1. He always looks so cute and pudgy in this Pooh sleeper.
2. Blowing bubbles and making funny faces is his new thing
3. He took a random nap after we got home from work one night.  He usually naps later, but fell asleep as soon as he nursed this time. Considering he usually doesn’t fall asleep unless we are holding him (terrible habit, I know), he was definitely tired!
4. After my WAY long overdue haircut.

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5. I had to share this gem of a text from my mom. It cracks me up.  I joked all weekend about her produce cult.
6. We left his hat on in the car on the 3 hour drive to my mom’s house and he had some serious hat hair.  So far he has baby doll hair like me, so it smoothed right down.
7. Hanging with Gramma on Valentine’s Day.  Lo and I don’t do much to celebrate Valentine’s Day unless our friends have their dinner.  We will once Jenson is older because it’s fun for kids.  I accidentally wore red to work that day, so it looked like I was celebrating.
8. Boof was in her happy place when we got to my parent’s.  After she ran around like crazy for a little bit and went in and out and in and out, she settled into the corner of a couch cuddled up in blankets.

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9. Our little swaddle baby. He loves his swaddle, but we are thinking about trying to wean him soon. Once he’s able to roll back to front, he needs his arms free.  He sleeps SO well like this though!  He immediately calms and settles down to go to sleep when we get him wrapped up.
10. He is all about his tongue lately – sticking it out, chewing on it.

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11. Jenson with his buddy Gannon
12. Gramma and Great-Gramma
13. The kids playing with Jenson
14. Hanging with Uncle Brady.  So far he’s taught him to play Call of Duty and to Snapchat/Snapcrap.

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15. Boofy doing her best senior picture pose (chin on hand).
16. Obligatory sleeping baby photo.  So sweet.
17. He was concentrating on his hand very closely this weekend.  He’s known they are his hands, but I think he was figuring out how they work.
18.  Perfectly coordinating outfits with Aunt Jackie.  It’s hard to see, but the lumberjack on his outfit was wearing and orange plaid flannel too. Ribbet collage 5

19. He was trying on a hat for Aunt Christine.  He isn’t always thrilled about wearing them, but once they are on he forgets.  He’s even holding his hands like a little bunny in this pic.
20. Sweet sleepy bunny
21. Happy bunny!
22.  Angry bear…no more hats mom!

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23. and 24. Just posing for mom.  By the way, this Disney brand onesie is awesome…it has two rows of snaps so it will fit longer.  He has a long torso as it is and he grows out of length before weight, so they are perfect.  They are cheaper and thicker feeling than the more common brands on Amazon – $6.99 for a 3 pack.

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25. – 27.  His 19 week photo shoot.

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