Friday Photo Dump: Jan 27-Feb 2

Jen at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom hosts a Friday Photo Dump linkup and its a fun way to post a few (or bunch) pictures from the week. I switched my date range to Monday-Sunday because it wasn’t working for me to try to get the pictures up from the night before on Friday.
Jenson has been more fussy for the last week. He wants to be held more and play less, though he can’t help himself when we put him on his changing table – he still kicks like mad and screeches. He rolled over a few more times too, after taking a break from it for awhile. He’s still pretty smiley when we’re holding him and talking to him. He’s been chewing on his tongue and pacifier, and clamping down when he’s nursing, so I was trying to feel around for teeth, but I can’t feel or see anything. I suspect that’s right around the corner though. His caregiver has noticed the same and has been checking for teeth too. He’s always chewing on his fists. He’s been napping a little more/longer, but tried to fight the naps so he usually needs held to fall asleep. I don’t mind that. So…you’ll see a lot of sleeping baby pictures in this post. He makes the sweetest faces when he’s sleeping…
January 27, 2014 – February 2, 2014
1. Napping on daddy. He still is on a loose schedule of eat, play, sleep every 2-3 hours. He goes to bed for the night between 8:30 – 9 p.m.
2. Evening nap with mommy. I look awesome. I think the pants are Lo’s and the shirt is from high school.
3. No photos during naptime please!
4. Hanging with his best friend, Braxton.
5. This pic didn’t turn out like I hoped, but if you can see the little rolls/piles of snow in that yard, they are snow rollers – which is a really rare snow/wind occurrence. When I drove past the house, I was like “why did they roll a bunch of tiny snowballs all over their yard? It looked like they were going to build a bunch of tiny snowmen. Once I was home, I saw someone post about snow rollers on FB, and then I started seeing them all over.
6. We had a bit of a fussy boy this week – doesn’t want to be put down, but doesn’t want fussed over – so I put him in the carrier and go about my business. He usually falls asleep or gets to the point where he’s ready to fall asleep. Look at that sad face…
7. Hey – there’s something on my hand!
8. And to my mouth it goes…
9. Robot baby! I’ve written briefly about his Snuza movement/breathing monitor – there is it on his diaper. Seriously a sanity-saver. I really wish we’d had this for the first few months!
10. Funny sleeping faces
11. & 12. Nana and Uncle Patrick came to visit!
13. & 14. He clearly didn’t get any attention from them at all.
15. He normally likes his bath, but he wasn’t feeling it this time. He had another rough on last night.
16. Pattycake with Nana
17. Weekends are amazing because I get to wake up to this face! After I nurse him around 7-8, I’ve been leaving him in our bed where he’ll sleep for another hour or two before he’s really ready for the day.
18. He’s trying to hide it, but he’s 17 weeks old. WHAT!!!!!
19. Love this happy baby face. Even if he’s been a little fussy lately, he always has smiles to share.
20. Naptime in the house. Even Boof was sleeping behind Lo. Lo said these photos I took are unauthorized. Whoops.
21. Was helping mommy cook, but he fell asleep. And made this horrible face when I went into the bright bathroom.
22. Heading to a friend’s house to watch the Superbowl. He knew it’d be boring.
23. Taking a nursing break to smile at me. I sent an uncropped version of this to my sister, and then she pointed out my nip was showing – oops!
24. Facetiming with Gramma. Sorry for the bad pic mom.