Friday Photo Favorites: March 17 – March 23, 2014

Jen at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom hosts a Friday Photo Favorites linkup and its a fun way to post a few (or bunch) pictures from the week.  I switched my date range to Monday-Sunday because it wasn’t working for me to try to get the pictures up from the night before on Friday.

It was happy baby week again.  He’s still waking during the night more than usual – usually once sometime between 2-4:30 a.m., and once around 6:30 (which is when I would want to nurse him before leaving for work anyway).  He slept later on the weekend, but he’d gone to bed later too.  We went to Yogi’s on Friday for a bit to watch some basketball and see friends – he just hung out in the katan wrap – quiet as usual when in public.  We went to try on soft structured carriers at Sprout Soup on Saturday, and of course, we liked the most expensive one they had – the Kinderpack.  We want one that can be worn on our back.  So far Jenson likes to be worn in carriers, and we both like to wear him, so it seems like it would be a good investment.  Lo went to the Crew game that night and after Jenson went to bed, I realized I was getting mastitis again.  I was laying under 5 blankets and a heating pad by the end of the night.  It never got as bad as the first time, but I was hurting and tired on Sunday for sure.  I called the doc and got on antibiotics that day.  As much as I hate to be on there, mastitis isn’t something to mess around with.  Aint nobody got time for that.

1. Hanging with dad
2. You know you frozen blueberries were picked and frozen fresh when you have a perfectly preserved green leaf in them.  These were from my mom’s blueberry bushes.  Mine aren’t producing yet, but I can’t wait until they are as good as hers (years from now)

st paddys

3. Jenson’s first St. Patrick’s Day.  We didn’t do anything after work, but he obviously needed pictures taken.
4. Lo made us green beers since we didn’t do anything for the “holiday”.  Mine was the Trader Joe’s brand beer.  It’s not a favorite, but it was the only option.  St. Patrick’s Day used to be my favorite holiday…and then I couldn’t drink gluten-full beer (I especially miss Guinness), and it makes me a little sad now.

5. This was weird – I was at a light on South High Street and there was this huge trailer park, which seems so bizarre because it was about a mile outside of the city and right off a main road.  In the front, there was a super beat up trailer with a flashy H2 (or 3?) outside of it.  I’m sure the vehicle cost more than the trailer!  But maybe it was just a visitor…
6. Braxton stayed with us for a bit one day after work and we had fun reading a book.  One was Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and he’d flip to a random page and I’d sing whatever was on that page and he thought it was so funny that I was singing out of order and whatever page he turned.

weekly fun
7.  You know there has to be a sleeping baby pic.  His pacifier had just fallen out.
8.  It was so nice on friday after work (70 degrees), that we took a family walk.  It was the first time we felt like we didn’t need to worry about Jenson being too cold.  Crazy thing is – that 3 hours northeast, where my family lives, it was 40 and snowing that day!

9. Wearing his Jackets gear for the game that night (they lost).
10. Funny faces and weiner dog jammies

weekend fun

11.  Sleeping after our baby carrier appointment
12. Sitting up on his own!  For 3-5 seconds at a time….

13. He loves putting fabric in his  mouth
14. Smiley face

faces of jenson

15. Silly face16. Adorable face

17. Sitting again (a little more steady this time)
18. Babywearing.

sitting in stripes


19. Waiting up for Daddy to get home after the first home Crew game of the season.
20. Hanging with dad in the morning while I was suffering from mastitis.

21. He also loves how his hands taste.
22. Getting up on his knees, though he seems to forget how to roll over still.

tummy time

23. and 24. These faces!  I just die about his cheeks, lips, and eyes.  Yes I realize that is most of his whole face.

25. and 26. He’s 24 weeks old!  It’s going TOO fast!

24 weeks

27. Luckily I felt well enough to take his pictures on Sunday, but had to go to bed for a few hours after because I felt so bad from the mastitis.
28. Boof showed up for her pictures treats.

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