Getting back on the (yoga) horse

It’s time. I had my 6 week checkup…had to step on a scale, lol. I gained over 10 more with this pregnancy than I did with Jenson. I’m finding that, like many women say, it doesn’t fall off as fast with subsequent pregnancies as it did with the first. By this time last pregnancy, I was able to wear a lot of my regular clothes/jeans. Not so this time around. It’s weird because I feel fine – I don’t feel like I’m way bigger than normal even though I am. I’ll go to put on a shirt that I’m sure will fit by now and it just doesn’t. I dug some of my jeans out that I was SURE would fit by now…they don’t. I suppose I would have realized this if I didn’t stick to mainly yoga pants. I’m anxious to switch out the clothes in my closet and get rid of some things, but I’m kind of in between.
So despite all of this “complaining”, I’m not terribly stressed about it yet. I know what I’ve been eating…I know how active I am…so I can’t really be surprised. It’s just time to eat a little better and start working out some. I can’t go crazy with either – breastfeeding Marlowe is more important than that to me, so I don’t want to risk messing up my supply, but I think it would take some extreme changes to cause that. What I am concerned about is the upcoming volleyball league that starts in about 2 weeks. I played the spring session after I had Jenson, but it started 4 months after I had him – not 2. I warned Julie that it’s not going to be pretty and she’s fine with it. It’s just SUCH a strong league, and it’s going to be a little out of my league this time around. Luckily my defense shouldn’t suffer much, but I’ll be worthless in the front row for at least the first half of the season. I’m pretty sure I haven’t jumped more than an inch high since the league was over last spring when I was about 8 weeks pregnant.
My options are limited to what I can do in-house at this point…so walking on the treadmill, body weight exercises, yoga, and exercise videos of some sort, like P90X. The treadmill is in our bedroom and it’s currently blocked by some bins of clothing I’ve sorted, so I need to do something with those first. Plus the only time I can use that is when Lo is home or if both kids are magically sleeping at the same time (some day that will happen). I’ve been sneaking in bodyweight exercises here and there throughout the day – squats, lunges, toes raises, etc., so I’ll keep up with that. Much of my day is spent reading books to Jenson and feeding/burping Marlowe – sometimes while Jenson is crying for “his turn” to sit in my lap. “Please put Marlowe on the playmat”.
To ease into things, I decided to start with some yoga. It can be a great workout, plus I need it really bad right now. I feel like I spend much of my day with terrible posture while I nurse Marlowe and read books to Jenson on my lap. My neck and upper back are always sore and feel like they are going to be permanently hunched. I’ve read some positive things about Yoga with Adrienne YouTube videos, so I decided to try out the Yoga Camp series and would just try to fit it in when I can. I started it last week, but sadly have only managed 2 days so far – we went out of town Friday-Monday, so that’s part of the reason. I somehow managed to get both kids to nap at the same time one day and did the 1st day then. I was wearing yoga pants and a flannel shirt – not your standard yoga attire – but I was expecting to be interrupted at any moment by Marlowe waking. Another day Jenson was playing really well by himself and Marlowe was sleeping, so I decided to try to do Day 2. I figured I’d do as much as possible and finish it another time. After about 2 minutes, Jenson decided that it would be fun to “join” in…which really means crawling, climbing, and jumping all over me while I was on the floor. I tried to distract him and have him copy me, but that only worked for about 1 minute. I powered through about 15 minutes of very distracted stretching, and then decided that it just wasn’t working out. Monday night after everyone else went to bed, I finally got back to Day 2 and started it from the beginning. I haven’t even been using a yoga mat because I don’t exactly know where one is since we moved – I’ve just been doing it on the rug. I really need to find a mat though. I guess it just shows you that you don’t need special equipment or clothing to do yoga!
I’ll get there…it won’t be fun, and it won’t be before this league starts, but that’s okay. These two are more worth my time right now.