Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day!
Martin Luther King, Jr. fought a hard fight for racial justice and equality – hoping that someday the world would be colorblind. While I think we’ve come a long way in America, it’s not enough.
There are definitely people who voted a certain way in the election regardless of party affiliation or platforms – and I’m talking about people voting against AND for Obama based on race. I AM NOT saying that everyone (or even a small minority) voted a certain way because of skin color because I like to believe that the majority of educated Americans would vote on policy (or at least party affiliation that generally supports their values). But I think everyone of us can admit that we know someone or have seen someone post on FB about how they are voting because of race or religion (again, for either party – race discrimination goes both ways). While I’m from a blue state, I grew up in the country in a blue state, so I saw/heard more of that than I would have hoped. I thought Columbus was a more accepting and progressive city than many, so when I saw this little gem on Facebook on Saturday morning, I was shocked and saddened that someone would think it was okay to post this in public, but I was happy to see that many people immediately jumped on her ignorance. Check out the third comment below on this post advertising free admission to the Zoo on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (which was deleted or hidden shortly after this). Whoever you are Theresa, you are an a-hole and I wish I didn’t have to block out your name so that people could flood your inbox, but I hope the several people who replied to you before the comment was hidden taught you something.
So here’s to Martin Luther King, Jr., and here’s to hoping that someday we’ll stop seeing color, like he wished, or at least stop thinking there is a difference before colors.