Jenson update: 1 year old!

Jenson’s first year went by so fast. So fast that I couldn’t keep up with the posts and he’s already 13 months! He became incredibly verbal in his 12th month, but he’s usually quiet around other people. He imitates sounds and syllables very accurately. He’s cruising and standing for 10+ seconds. He likes practicing standing when we are in our bed – he stands and then falls on his butt with a big “ugh”. This kid is loved beyond belief. He makes us so happy – and his smiles and funny faces are infectious. Obviously this post is kind of late since his birthday party has come and gone, and his 13 month was quite eventful, but this makes it easier for me to keep track of things in one place.
I know he’s not really a baby anymore, but he’s my baby boy….my lovey.
Monthly Jenson update: September 7 – October 6, 2014
- Age: 12 month old (posting late)
- Weight: approx. 20 lbs
- Length: 28 or so inches
- Size: He’s wearing mostly 12 month clothing, but some 9 month onesies still fit.
- Diapers: Cloth diapers, except at night. Not much change here. He’s gone back and forth with diaper rash, but I think it’s related to trying new foods. He moved up to size 4 diapers for disposables.
- Hair and Eyes: His hair looks like a wig. He had his first hair cut at J. Bentley on September 22, the day before his 1 year photos. She did a good job, but it made him look older so quickly! His eyes are more grayish blue now, and so big and bright.
- Teeth: He still just has the two bottom teeth, but they are so big and cute now. You can see them in lots of pictures, which is awesome. His top teeth are thisclose to coming in…there are big ridges where they are about to break through.
- Sleeping: We went back to trying to sleep train him again – mostly by just not picking him up in the night. We just try to go in and comfort him and lay him back down when he wakes and stands at his crib. As soon as he stirs in the night, he stands up and starts crying, even thought he’s barely awake. He quit needing to nurse at night – one time I picked him up to nurse him, and he just wasn’t interested. He just wanted me to hold him. He normally wakes once between 2 – 4 and wants comfort. Occasionally he’ll wake again, but if it’s after 5 a.m., we just bring him to our bed. It’s too hard to get him back to sleep when we only have one hour left to sleep. He usually ready to nurse by then too.
- Eating: Jenson is a pretty good eater, and less interested in nursing. On work days, he normally only nurses morning and night (occasionally after work), and takes 4 bottles of 3 – 3.5 ounces while at work. He is picky with his food sometimes, but if we offer things at the next meal, he’ll usually eat them. He loves blackberries and still loves little frozen drops of yogurt. Sweet potatoes is one of his favorites foods always, and he loves apples – both cooked and scraping little bits off of a raw apple.
- Movement: He got to be a really fast crawler. Towards his first birthday, he started to cruise along furniture and stand on his own. He still loves clapping. If we say “touchdown!”, he’ll raise his arms and say “Yeah!’. He gives lots of high 5’s and usually says “yeah!” when he does it. He loves looking through books and turns the pages really well.
- Words & Sounds:
Dada, Mama, Bff (Boof), Nana, Yeah!, BapPap (repeating Pappap), pappaw, yellow, toothbrush, ball, blue. He started to imitate our sounds with the right amount of syllables and tone of voice – it’s so funny. - Milestones:
– first haircut
– cruising
– standing alone
– first hayride (at Stratford Ecological Center Fall Festival)
– apple picking at Lynd’s fruit farm
- Favorite Toys/Activities:
– Books! Especially books with flaps
– Clapping
– Loves kisses (giving and receiving) and having his face stroked
– Looking at himself in the mirror
– Standing up to play with his toys
– Playing on our bed
– Playing near the doggie door (hasn’t crawled out yet)
– Watching Boof and trying to get her toys
– Watching and playing with Braxton
– Sleeping between us in the bed
– Likes being tickled in his armpits and his chunky thighs – Playing in “his” plastic container cabinet in the kitchen
– Looking at pictures and videos of himself on Lo’s phone
- Dislikes:
– Getting his hair washed and rinsed – he tries to climb out of the tub
– Waiting for something he wants or when you take something away from him. He does this “temper” thing, where he clenches his fists and grunts. We call it “hulking out”.
– Wearing the weekly and monthly sticker. I have to try to get a picture really quick before he discovers it and rips it off. We are finally done with the weekly ones now!
– Wearing shoes – when we put shoes on him, his legs don’t work. He doesn’t throw a fit, but he won’t support his weight. It’s kind of funny – he doesn’t need to wear them, so it’s okay.