Jenson update: 13 months

Jenson is coming up on 14 months old soon, so it’s time to recap the craziness that was month 13. It was so crazy that I never got around to taking a 13 month photo. That’s okay. I kept thinking that I’d do it, and just never got around to it. During this this time frame, Jenson had his first birthday party, 12 month appointment, broke his wrist, and he celebrated Halloween. His verbal skills continued to increase dramatically this month. He didn’t do as much cruising this month – whether from fear (from when he broke his arm) or because he was off balance with his cast, but he wasn’t held back in any way – lots of standing, dancing, crawling over things, etc.
It was kind of crazy that he had to get a cast – he was so tough and we barely knew anything was wrong. On top of that, he had his 12 month shots a few hours after breaking his arm, and he had a slight fever from that. He did SO well with his cast on. I was so nervous that everything was going to be so hard for him and for us with a cast, but other than bagging his arm for eating and bathing, it wasn’t hard at all! He adapted so well too – kids are so resilient (unlike adults)
Monthly Jenson update: October 7 – November 6, 2014
- Age: 13 month old
- Weight: approx. 20 lbs, 10 oz at his appointment on October 13 (38%) I thought he was closer to 22 lbs!
- Length: 29.75 inches at his 12 month appointment (43ish%)
- Size: He’s wearing mostly 12 month clothing, but some 9 month onesies and pants still fit. We had to cut off the right sleeve of some of his onesies and sleepers to fit over his cast, so he has a limited wardrobe anyway.
- Diapers: Cloth diapers, except at night. He started leaking through his disposables this month, even after sizing up. Lo randomly picked up Luvs one night and I thought there was no way they wouldn’t leak (the diapers themselves look pretty generic and thin). For the first night in awhile, he didn’t have a leak! So we’ve switched to Luvs and haven’t looked back. He also went through a bad bout of diaper rash (but only in the front). We still don’t know why or what caused it, but after about a week, we called the doctor for advice because it looked so painful! The nurse said to mix aquaphor and maalox and apply liberally at every diaper change, and use lotrimin once a day (in case it was fungal). We used disposables while he was healing up to keep him dry and because those creams aren’t cloth diaper safe, but it worked like a charm!
Hair and Eyes: His hair hair is growing quickly again! His eyes are more grayish blue now, and so big and bright. These are the two things that people always comment on – how much hair he has, and how gorgeous his eyes are.
- Teeth: He got his top two front teeth in the middle of the month – which explained why he was extra picky with food that week. Its so weird seeing teeth there! It looks like the ones beside the front teeth will be in soon too – you can see the bumps already.
- Sleeping: We worked on his sleep this month, with some results. He wakes between 2-3 a.m. and stands at the crib and cries, and we go in an lay him back down and try to settle him. We don’t pick him
up, and sometimes he settles quickly, sometimes it takes 30+ minutes. If he wakes after 5 a.m., we bring him to our bed and he wants to nurse and go back to sleep with us. Maybe not a great habit, but we like snuggling with him.
- Eating: He got a little pickier this month with his food, but he got really good at eating with his left hand. We had to “bag” his right arm so he didn’t get food all over his cast. He examines what we put on his tray, and if he doesn’t want it, he simply throws it on the floor. If we put something in his mouth, he often takes it back out to look at it, and then eats it.
On work days, he normally only nurses morning and night (occasionally after work), and takes 3 or 4 bottles of 3 – 3.5 ounces while at work. He likes to nurse in downward dog, so that’s weird. I have to keep laying him back down so he just gets it over with. We are planning the gradual switch to cows milk in mid-November. I can’t wait to stop pumping at work! Apples, sweet potatoes, avocado/guacamole, cheese, and yogurt drops (frozen) are his favorites usually. He’s started rejecting carrots, and he’s pretty iffy with meat at times. - Movement:
Lots of crawling and standing – even with his cast. He slides his casted arm along the floor like it’s nothing. He was cruising a lot until he broke his arm, and then he stopped for awhile when he had the cast. He dances a lot too – a cross between Chris Farley and Carlton. He throws his arms up and says “Yeah!” when we say “touchdown!”. He swings his cast around a lot and hits us with it accidentally – it hurts!
- Words & Sounds:
The doctor asked us if he was saying 2-3 words, and when we told him he repeats about 20 words, he didn’t seem to believe us, until Jenson said yellow and a few other colors while we were in the office.
Waves and says bye bye.
Red, blue, yellow, blue, ball, boof, mama, dada, pappap, nana, cheeseburger, duck, sit, down, peekboo, Yeah!
Sadie, yucky, mommy and daddy (instead of just mama/dada), papaw, and tickle
Sings the “ba, ba, ba” in the right spot in “Sweet Caroline”
Dank du (thank you), socks (and sockies)
purple, pink, ready, wa-wa, kitty, doggie, chicken (and the noise – bock, bock), cow
He crawled over to a duck rattle and said “duck”, and says wa wa when he sees his sippy cup, so he’s identifying items with words now too. - Milestones:
– first birthday party on October 11
– first broken bone and cast (hopefully the last one?) on October 13. He broke both bones in his wrist when he fell when his push toy moved away from him, and it was an angulated fracture (which means it was crooked). It didn’t need set though. The ER said 4-6 weeks, but at the followup with the orthopedic Dr., she said 3.5 – 4.5 weeks would be fine. So we scheduled for him to get his cast off the day before we leave for Vegas.
– standing up from seated on the floor without support
– OSU women’s volleyball game on October 17 – he liked watching the game.
– Halloween – first time trick or treating (though he did actually collect candy) at our friends’ neighborhood on October 28 and in our neighborhood on October 30 , Worthington Rec Center Halloween event on October 24. We had a couple of different costume options…
– Boo at the Zoo on October 25. I took him later in the evening one night, and it was pretty cold, so we were only there for a bit.
– Got his cast off on November 5. No more cast!
- Favorite Toys/Activities:
– Books with flaps…really ALL books. He loves books.
– Clapping
– Loves kisses (giving and receiving)
– Playing with Braxton
– Sleeping between us in the bed
– Likes being tickled in his armpits and his chunky thighs
– Playing in “his” plastic container cabinet in the kitchen
– Looking at pictures and videos of himself on Lo’s phone
– Jumping in his doorway jumper - Dislikes:
– Getting his hair washed and rinsed – he tries to climb out of the tub
– Waiting for something he wants or when you take something away from him.
– Wearing shoes – when we put shoes on him, his legs don’t work. He doesn’t throw a fit, but he won’t support his weight.
– Sleeping through the night in his crib!