Jenson update: 18 months

Jenson is closer to 19 months now that I’m finally posting this, but I’ll stick with what was going on when he turned 18 months. We were a little busy packing up our house…I didn’t even take as many pictures. I also failed to schedule 18 month pictures, but instead am going to do a 19 month mini-session in May. Close enough, right? Here…he looks like he’s modeling his Easter outfit here…
It was a month of many changes – we packed up a bunch of our stuff to stage our house for selling (and sold it). His sitter started watching them across the street most of the time so we could get the house ready. He really enjoyed going over there -new toys to play with and house to explore. He had fun at Easter and stayed another night with Nana and Papaw the Friday before. He’s like a parrot now – repeats everything. He finally didn’t constantly have a runny nose this month – most of the time he did, but not always.
Uncle Patrick came to visit him and he danced for him. Check out those moves.
Monthly Jenson update: March 7 – April 6, 2015
Age: 18 month old
Weight: 23 lbs at his 18 month appt
Length: 31ish inches
Size: He’s grown out of most of his 12 month clothing, but is still wearing 12-18 and 18 month.
Hair and Eyes: He was due for a haircut, but we didn’t get it done during this month (finally did though)
Teeth: He has 4 top front teeth, 4 molars, and 3 bottom front teeth.
Sleeping: He goes to sleep around 730 p.m. and wakes between around 6 a.m.
Eating: He’s still picky about veggies and meat, but we do what we can do with trying to sneak those in here and there. He’s picky, but he eats a lot – especially considering that he’s still on the smaller side. He’s obsessed with crackers and anytime someone is in the kitchen, he says “cracker?” and tries to open the cabinet. He does it to Lo even more – he’s the cracker guy. He loves bananas – we have to hide them or he wants them constantly.
Movement: He’s all over the place now, and has even starts “running” a little. He loves dancing and clapping anytime he hears music. He loves to place “chase” with us – when we chase him he starts cracking up until we get to him. He’s learned to manage the stairs pretty well. We still stay right behind him, but he knows to go down them backwards – same with getting off of the couch and beds. If he comes across even 1 small step down into a different room, he goes down backwards.
Word Up: He repeats almost everything that we say, and talks and sings constantly. He counts to 10, but sometimes skips to 10 because it’s his favorite. He gets through his ABC’s pretty well now, as well as a few songs. He knows animal sounds and animal names. He knows the names of colors, but usually says everything is blue. Most balls are “basketballs” too. He started saying “I love you” and it’s the sweetest thing. He kind of says it like scooby doo would. He’s pretty good with Hi and Bye appropriately, and will say “hi” when we walk into his room in the morning. He says a couple of 2 and 3 word combos too, like “where (insert word, but often daddy) go”. Also, I’m still “daddy” too. He called me mama or mommy for month and then stopped. Whatevs.
- 2-3 word combos
- starting to run
- Easter egg hunts – he seemed to get the concept
Favorite Toys/Activities:
- Playing at the playground – it has a music game where he loves to dance.
- Being chased – especially if I’m crawling after him.
- Bathtime
- Wearing hats and shoes. He will often wear his winter hats around the house.
- Books
- Clapping, dancing, and singing
- Loves kisses and being tickled
- Looking at himself in the mirror
- Playing with Braxton and “baby” (Gavin)
- Playing in “his” cabinet in the kitchen
- Looking at pictures and videos of himself on our phones – especially ones with Papaw in them.
- Playing with his wagon and grocery cart
- Playing with blocks and balls
- His “baby” (gloworm)
- Playing IN his toybox
- Not getting his way
- Getting his diaper changed when he has something better to do
- Meat and veggies
Yes, he’s laying in Boof’s bed.
Looking forward to:
- Our new house! This was his reaction when we started getting offers during our open house (not really)