I Love Lemon Noosa Yoghurt

If you’ve never tried Noosa yoghurt, I understand. It’s expensive, and obviously pretentious because it’s not spelled yogurt (actually, it’s because it’s Australian-style). But it is soooo good. I think it typically runs around $2.59 per single serving container, but I NEVER buy it unless it’s on sale…preferably marked down for quick sale.
I’m willing to pay $2 or less for it, and I think it’s worth that because I usually make it last for 2 servings. It’s really thick and creamy, and has a ton of flavor and fruit swirl, so I mix half with plain yogurt and save the rest for the next day (also mixed with plain yogurt). I prefer to do that because it’s actually sweeter than I like, and with 35 grams of sugar, it’s clearly WAY too sweet to pretend it’s healthy (…like the ice cream I just ate is…). Yogurt typically has 10+ grams of sugar because of the natural sugar in milk, but since I usually just eat plain yogurt with some fresh fruit, anything much more than that is too much to me. It’s definitely an indulgent yogurt (er, yoghurt), so it’s not something I buy very often.
There are several flavors and I’d usually buy the blueberry (shocker, right?), tart cherry, raspberry, or strawberry rhubarb, depending on what the store carried, but one time I found lemon and decided to give it a shot. It immediately became my favorite, even though I’m not a huge lemon fan. It tastes like lemon meringue pie (without the pie part, which I can’t eat anyway). It’s definitely my go-to flavor now.
I did just check out the Noosa website and found that they have a ton more flavors that I didn’t know about, including Mexican Chocolate (sounds better than it prob is), Sweet Mango Chili and a few other fruit/hot pepper combos (doesn’t sound good for breakfast), Blood Orange, Key Lime, and Passion Fruit.
This isn’t a sponsored post…I wasn’t paid to write about this, though I’d be happy to be paid to write about it.
If you like key lime pie, you’ll love the key lime flavor in Noosa Yoghurt! I liked the lemon and sour cherry best until I tried the Key lime!
I’m uncomfortable with Noosa knowing which yogurt I like. Do my markets tell them so they can pop up in my FB feed? Not cool.