Magic Mike girls night out

I had a “big” Wednesday night out on the town! Well, kinda….a night out now is a lot different than a night out before Jenson was born. The plans weren’t made until the night before, but Lo didn’t even hesitate to tell me to go – even though it meant that I needed to drop Jenson off with him at work about an hour before he normally leaves. His work is pretty flexible and accommodating usually – not to mention he arrives about 45 minutes earlier than he’s supposed to be there almost every day. Of course, Jenson took forever (and plenty of tears) to go down for his nap – and slept longer than normal and I had to wake him up so we could leave. But he was cooperative at the promise of seeing daddy. He got clingy with me for a bit after we moved, but he’s definitely back to full-on daddy’s boy again.
I met a few girlfriends at the theater to see an early showing of Magic Mike 2, and then we went to Cantina Laredo for dinner afterwards. I saw Magic Mike 1 with a few of the same ladies, so it was fitting. Of course, that time involved cocktails before and after the movie, but instead I just salivated over the margaritas they were drinking afterwards this time. There was another expecting mama with us, so I wasn’t the only one. Truthfully, the only thing I’ve wanted since I found out I was pregnant was a good rocks margarita with a salted rim. Most specifically, the ones we get at a bar in Siesta Key – they are what margarita dreams are made of. So while we were at dinner, I almost asked my friend if I could lick a little of the salt from the rim of her glass…just for the taste of lime and salt…but I didn’t. She really probably wouldn’t have cared or been terribly surprised at my odd request (even though she loves the salt rim too) – though maybe she would have preferred that I take a little finger swipe of salt, rather than a tongue lick.
Back to the movie…it was fine – cheesy as expected, but not quite as “good” as the first one. It’s not because Matthew McConaughey was missing from this one either, because he was totally gross in the first one. It’s because the dance routines were so much better in the first one. This one didn’t really have many dance routines…and by that, I mean that Channing Tatum didn’t do enough dancing. I don’t find him crazy physically attractive….I mean, he has a nice body, but I’m not all about him like many people are. But that boy can dance. That’s what the movie needed more of. And less of Joe Manganiello (I have to google his name bc I never remember it). He grosses me out. Again, nice body, but I can’t look at his face. That’s kinda mean, but it’s cool, because I’m quite certain I would gross him out too. I’m glad that he and Sofia Vergara are together because her voice grosses me out, so they are perfect together (though she is stunning). Anyway, the movie was cheesy and funny at times, but certain scenes dragged on too long and it just needed more CT dancing. I’m proud that I can finally remember that his name is Channing Tatum and not Tatum Channing now because it took me about 2 years to get it straight.
It was really nice to get out of the house though – and great to see all of those ladies. I wish we’d taken a picture. It’s not that I can’t regularly, because Lo encourages me to go do things and is perfectly happy to handle Jenson for a day or evening. If he’s home doesn’t have anything he has to get done, he always asks if there’s anything I want to go do – I’m lucky for that. But not that many opportunities present themselves now that I live so much further away and am also out of the volleyball scene for now. Everyone is so busy with summer and vacations too. I’m happy to be at home, but a free day or evening out is always welcome when it works out.
Last week I had an appointment so Jenson was with his former sitter. He’d gotten carsick on the way to the appointment, so I wanted to let him play with the boys instead of putting him back in the car 30 minutes later. I met a friend at Whole Foods for lunch and we just sat and talked for a couple of hours – it was fantastic to catch up and not be distracted with trying to keep Jenson happy while we ate and chatted. I can’t tell you the last time Lo and I went somewhere together without Jenson. It was definitely was back when we were in the other house either when Lo’s mom stayed the night, or if Jenson stayed with them. We don’t have a sitter out here in the boonies yet – it’s hard to find someone to trust. Lo has a couple of people he’s going to ask for suggestions at work, and we’re trying to figure out a weekend for him to stay with Nana and Papaw because it’s been entirely too long since he’s seen them (our summer has been busy, as it always is). I don’t even know where we’ll go, but it’s only going to get harder once there are two little monsters in this house (three, counting Boof), so we need to get out of the house while we can.