Marlowe update: 7 months old

Our July was SO busy that it kind of just flew by. Marlowe accomplished a lot in that time period though, with the biggest being that she learned to sit up! She went from being able to sit for 2-3 seconds, to being able to sit for more than a minute within 2 days. By the end of the month, she was a pro and loves to sit and play with toys – especially if Jenson is there too. He’ll set a bunch of toys in front of her to play with and sit and play with her usually.
We had a lot of family time in July. Jenson spent the 4th of July weekend with Lo’s parents, my parents were in town for a weekend car show, we had a cookout with Lo’s family, and then the next week my sister and nephew flew in from Vegas for about 10 days. We spend the first couple of days at our house, and then went to my parents for the week (sans Lo, who had the Mid-Ohio car race to go to). Aside from those big events, we just kept really busy. I tried to leave the house with the kids almost every day for story time, walks, and playdates – because it makes the day go faster. It was so hot that we didn’t go outside to play as much, so taking him places to play (indoors) was my compromise. We did go to a few outdoor events, so she got dragged to Commons for Kids (at Columbus Commons), the Firemen Parade in Johnstown, blackberry picking at Lynd’s and a small festival in Alexandria, and the Zoo. She was kind of just stuck in the stroller for those because it was too hot to wear her in the carrier, but she usually slept for part and didn’t seem to mind.
We also left Marlowe with people who aren’t family for the first time. Our friends who live 10 minutes away watched them while we went to dinner. She did great and didn’t even cry! We’ve started taking turns watching each others kids because neither of us have anyone close by who can watch our kids – so its kind of the only way we get out of the house much without kids (without significant planning for having family come watch them). Its nice because I didn’t even worry about them while they were there – I knew they could handle it as long as we got back before Marlowe’s next meal.
Marlowe: June 29 – July 28
Age: 7 months old
Weight: 15 lbs., 2 oz. (25%) at her 6 month appointment on July 12
Length: 26.5 inches (90%)
Clothing size: She’s now wearing 6 and 9 month mostly; 6 months are getting short on her.
Hair: Her hair is so long on the sides, it’s to the bottom of her ears and long enough for pigtails! It’s only starting to grow in the back, so it’s a reverse mullet – party in the front, business in the back. It’s starting to look a little more blond.
Eyes: Blue
Teeth: As much as we keep expecting them, nothing is there yet. We keep thinking maybe that’s why she’s sleeping so poorly, but I suppose that can’t explain 7 months of poor sleep!
Temperament: She’s happy! She’s especially happy now that she can sit up and play with toys and interact more with Jenson. She’s smiley and squeal-y almost all of the time anytime someone looks at her or talks to her. She loves being tickled and kissed. She’s much more comfortable with other people now and rarely fusses if someone else holds her. I could just hand her off this month to anyone and she was fine. She seems to favor guys, especially if they have facial hair (my brothers-in-law and nephews) – I think it’s because it reminds her of her daddy. The only times she gets mad now is every 2-3 hours at night when she wakes, and if we walk out of the room when she’s playing or in the exersaucer.
Sleeping: The only improvements that we’ve made with sleep is that she’s in the crib at night now. The crib is in our room because she’s still waking every 2-3 hours, or more frequently sometimes, unfortunately. She slept in the rock-n-play for the week we were at my mom’s still, just because it was easier. Naps were still decent – a short one in the morning, and a longer one in the afternoon (with me), and then an occasional evening nap. We are at a loss with what to do for the nighttime.
Eating: She’s eating quite a bit of food now. Quinoa and oatmeal cereal, homemade teething biscuits, mum mums, avocado, green beans, carrots, peas, sweet potatoes. At first she pushed most out with her tongue, but each week she started to each a little bit more and swallow it. She was still only eating once a day during this month. She wasn’t interested in it enough to give it to her more.
Movement: She sits up so well now. She went from almost being able to sit, to sitting really steadily within a week or so. We would still put a pillow behind her, but she didn’t fall very often. She can squirm around pretty well when she’s on her back or her belly to get where she wants.
–Eating solid foods
–First time staying with non-family for a few hours – she did great and didn’t even cry
–Sleeping in the crib (not well, but she’s there)
–Using the doorway jumper
–Met her cousins, aunt, and uncle who live in Michigan
Favorite toys/activities:
–Playing in the exersaucer and doorway jumper
–Being sung to
–Talking to us and being talked to
–Puppy love
–Sitting up and playing with toys. She really likes ones that play music
–Squealing. Loudly.
–Kicking her legs
–Watching Jenson play. She looks for him anytime she hears him and will smile and laugh at him regularly
–Chewing on her pacifier and playing with it
–When we walk out of the room without her
–Sleeping. She just doesn’t like doing it for more than 2 hours at a time.
Sibling Rivalry:
She LOVES Jenson. She breaks into a huge smile when she sees him in the morning. She watches him constantly and all he has to do is talk to her and she’s happy. He gets jealous of her occasionally, but just want held more or takes her toys. He doesn’t act out towards her – he loves her just as much.
Sounds and Words:
–Coos, squeals, and belly laughs
–Loud, girly screeches
–“ya ya”
–expressive faces and scrunchy nose when she’s really happy
Looking forward to:
–A less busy August
–Longer stretches of sleeping at night
Watch Marlowe grow: