Marlowe update: 8 months old

August was a good month for Marlowe. She really got into eating food, had a great disposition, learned to wave and get around a room on her own. We had a less busy August, even though we went out of town twice still. While sleeping is still rough, she’s so happy and sweet, and she makes us so happy!
Marlowe: July 29 – August 28
Age: 8 months old
Weight: 15 lbs., 2 oz. (25%) at her 6 month appointment
Length: 26.5 inches (90%)
Clothing size: She’s now wearing 6 and 9 month, except for a few 6 month things that still fit.
Hair: Her hair is really filling in on the back of her head, and is getting really long on the sides and top. It’s strawberry blond in most lighting, and where is thicker is looks more red. And it’s long enough for pigtails now!
Eyes: Blue
Teeth: We kept thinking they were coming anytime she was chewing on things a lot or not sleeping well, but nothing is there yet.
Temperament: She’s so sweet and lovey. She loves giving and getting kisses. She loves being held, but is really content to be down on the floor with toys too. She really happy now, unless she’s hungry or tired, and then she’s a little whiny. She’ll let other people hold her, but cautiously with most still. Being around so many people with all of our family visits in July really seemed to help that. She really goes with the flow now and if she’s in the stroller or seat for awhile while we are out, she’s fine. She rarely fusses like that, unless she’s hungry. Seriously, we went to the Darke County Fair with Lo’s parents when it was approximately 90 degrees and full sun, and she just chilled (or sweated) in the stroller the whole time! And then she totally flirted with the golf cart driver.
Sleeping: She still is terrible at sleeping. Apparently I failed somewhere there. She wakes every 2-4 hours. It’s unpredictable, except she typically wakes between 10 pm-11 am for the first time (so before I even go to bed). We started taking her up to bed by about 8:30. Basically, as soon as she falls asleep after she nurses that last time, we lay her down. She wakes up for the day between 9-10 am usually, with the multiple nighttime wakes, of course. Sometimes I still put her in the rock-n-play for nap because she slept so much better in there than the crib. I felt okay about it because I would be in there with her in case she tried to get out. However, at the end of the month she sat up after the nap, and that was the end of the rock-n-play. She’ll nap in the morning for about 45 minutes in the swing, or in the car or seat if we are out and about. The afternoon naps are still usually 1.5-2 hours, often part or all of them are with me because I need the sleep at that point too. Sometimes she naps in the evening too, around 6 pm, but we try to skip that one because it’s easier to get her to sleep at night without it. Napping with her isn’t that much of a dream…
Eating: She’s eating quite a bit of food now. She started to eat a lot more of the food that we gave her and manages pieces of food pretty well. She can even pick up smaller pieces and get them to her mouth better than I expected at this point. Her favorites seems to be scrambled egg yolk and teething biscuits, and her least favorites are hummus and avocado, which were two of Jenson’s favorites! We aren’t particular about how much food she’s getting since breast milk is her main nutrition, so she typically gets food 1-2 times a day. We did find out that she’s not really willing to take bottles from anyone other than Lo. The kids and I went to stay with Lo’s parents to go to a concert with them (Lo had to work and couldn’t come), and Meem was watching the kids while we were at the concert. I gave Marlowe some food and nursed her before we left (around 630), and she would not take a bottle from Meem the whole night. She tried several times, but Marlowe wasn’t having it. She napped a little but mostly stayed awake until I got home around 12 am and could feed her.
Movement: She gets on all fours and wants to crawl, but hasn’t figure it out yet. Somehow she gets around the room through a series of getting on all fours, dropping to her belly, squirming around, and then sitting up. It’s kind of fascinating because you don’t actually see it happen, but somehow she’s in a completely different area. She’s really started to entertain herself now because she can get to the toys she wants.
–Getting on all fours
–Feeding herself
–Taking baths with Jenson. She loves it!
–Dances to music
Favorite toys/activities:
–Playing in the exersaucer and doorway jumper
–Being sung to
–Puppy love
–Sitting up and playing with toys. She really likes ones that play music
–Moving around the room on her own
–Watching Jenson and trying to get to him
–Chewing on her pacifier and playing with it
–Being tickled
–When we walk out of the room without her
–Sleeping. She just doesn’t like doing it for more than 2 hours at a time.
Sibling Rivalry:
She LOVES Jenson. She breaks into a huge smile when she sees him in the morning. She watches him constantly and all he has to do is talk to her and she’s happy. She tries to get to him and play with him. Jenson loves her and will play with her and talk to her, but he does (often) take her toys. Luckily she doesn’t care that much as long as there’s something else to play with.
Sounds and Words:
–Big belly laughs
–Loud, girly screeches that kill our ears
–“ya ya”
–expressive faces and scrunchy nose when she’s really happy
–starting to mock sounds, like “hi”
Looking forward to:
–Longer stretches of sleeping at night
–Fall weather
Watch Marlowe grow: