Sunday Social – More Holiday Spirit
It’s Sunday Social day where Ashley and Neely post questions each week for people to answer on their blogs and a linkup.
It’s holiday spirit again this week (because Christmas is worth the whole month! – except after Christmas…because then it’s New Year’s time to shine).
- Favorite Holiday Movies/TV Specials? It’s a Wonderful Life and Elf (I think this is a repeat question?)
- Do you do any volunteering during the holidays if so what? If not what would you do? We have in the past (served dinner) but haven’t this year. Unless I can count the Hurricane Sandy Fundraiser – we raised $4000!!!!! We are pretty excited about that number!
- Favorite toy received as a Child for the Holidays? Barbie Dream House – it was secondhand but the most exciting thing ever. Summer and I shared a room (and maybe Jackie at that time) and went downstairs to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and she came upstairs all excited about the Barbie House under the tree but I was so asleep (shocker) that I thought it was a dream. We played the crap out of that house.
- What was your must have item in high school for the Holidays? Probably clothes – I don’t remember asking for anything major or specific.
- Item you begged for the most and never got? I can’t remember that ever really happening. I had 5 sisters – we certainly never got everything that we wanted. But we got everything that we needed and more. Being the youngest, my parents were better off financially when I was growing up so I (and the other youngests) probably got a lot more than the older ones and most of what we asked for. We also knew better than to ask for something crazy expensive too.Christmas morning with my new dog; age 3, I think.
- What do you do on Christmas Eve? If you are Jewish what does your family do for Hanukkah? We don’t have any specific traditions. We are often at one family’s or the other and we just eat and hang out. If we are at home, we don’t really have a specific tradition either. We should probably work on that kind of thing.
Leave me one or all of your answers in the comments (or a link to your post if you participated!).