October 21 Sunday Social
It’s Sunday Social day where Ashley and Neely post questions each week for people to answer on their blogs and linkup.

1. What do you value most in life? Who I am as a person. My marriage, family and friends.
2. What do you think is the greatest invention in your lifetime and why? The Internet has changed our lives in so many ways, for good and for bad, but mostly good.
3. What do you think is the secret to a good life? Being a good person. Sometimes I can be a bitch and I’m kind of cold, but I don’t hesitate to help someone who needs it. Being honest, humble, loyal, trustworthy, and giving are some of the most important qualities that make a good person. Be a good person and you’ll have a good life.
4. What would you most like to be remembered for when you’re gone? My character and hopefully that I’m a good mother, sibling, daughter, wife, and friend.
5. What accomplishment in your life are you most proud of? Being independent and adventurous. I moved to Columbus on a whim without a job (I technically got one before I moved, but I’d already signed a lease before) and so much changed about my life. I know I can handle my business and I don’t need anyone to hold my hand or tell me what to do. Sometimes this can also be a flaw because I don’t lean on people when I should.
6. If a movie was made about your life, who would you want to play you?
Jessica Biel- because she is H-O-T and actually seems like an ok person for being a movie star. But she’s way too hot to portray me. I asked Lo and he said Abby Cornish. Actually he said “who is that girl that Ryan Phillipe slept with?” Um, I’ll take that.
Jessica Biel- because she is H-O-T and actually seems like an ok person for being a movie star. But she’s way too hot to portray me. I asked Lo and he said Abby Cornish. Actually he said “who is that girl that Ryan Phillipe slept with?” Um, I’ll take that.
My friend text me earlier in the year out of the blue and said “you look like Anna Torv from Fringe”. I don’t see it (wish I did)- but she said she reminds her of me every time she sees her. And then there’s the old lady who called me Valerie Bertinelli…. so I guess that’s more likely.
What would some (or all) of your answers be?
being independent is a good one!
Have a great night! Come say hello over at my blog! 🙂
I’d love to Nicholl – which blog is yours? I couldn’t find your first name in the Sunday Social list.
I like all of your answers good character is def something everyone should strive for!