The Olympics and my own personal PR

I love the Olympics. I love how there are sports to watch 24/7. I love hearing the athletes back stories and seeing their triumphs. I cannot imagine the dedication it takes to become an Olympic athlete. As Loren said – they train for 4 years for an event that sometimes just takes 2 minutes. Through the NBC app on our ROKU, you can pick from a bunch of events going on at once – there are currently 851 live and upcoming events to pick from…that’s a lot of options! And I can pick from full even replays???!! If only I had nothing to do but watch through the rest of the Games, but…kids.
I can’t even pick a favorite event…obviously volleyball is near the top, but I see so much volleyball that it’s not a sport that I’m in awe of – even at that level. Swimming and gymnastics are definitely two of my favorites…and track and field. Those have been some of my favorites since I was a kid. I love the individual sports because it really showcases their talent. That’s why I prefer beach vb to indoor too – you can see just how crazy good they are when there are just 2 people on the court. I switched from men’s beach to women’s indoor and I was immediately bored…the pace of the game was just too different to watch back-to-back!
I love that Facebook posts this weekend have been about the Olympics and not politics. I’d guess that the Olympics are going to be the highlight of the year for the United States. “We’re screwed 2016” could be the slogan of the election. I’m not going into that. I keep telling myself to stop reading Facebook posts about either candidate…to stop commenting especially. But sometimes I just can’t help it. The stories that get shared that are outright lies…the ignorance…the nastiness…the double standards…sometimes I just can’t help myself. When I do comment, it’s not in support of a particular candidate – it’s in support of the truth of things that are easily searchable. If one random alternative media site posts something that seems a little off and no other media is reporting it….it’s probably false! Durr… Also, let’s pretend the things that we post on Facebook are how we’d teach our little kids to think about and talk to others. Make it a nicer place. I really wish there was a setting where you could block just political posts. I feel like it would teach people to research the candidates themselves rather than read an article that was shared 200k times but is actually false. People are too lazy to do their own research. Oh, the good old days…
Anyway, that’s enough about that for sure. The Dutch lady that wrecked her bike? Holy crap. I guess she’s “ok”, but it definitely looked like she could have died. And she had the gold before the wreck. So sad.
Is there a song for this Olympics? I think it was a Muse song 4 years ago, and for the 2012 Winter Olympics it was “Home” by Phillip Phillips. I don’t think they were the official songs, but they were played before commercials and throughout the broadcast over and over.
Oh…you’re dying to know my personal WR…although I don’t think it can be a WR since it’s just mine – PR is more appropriate. I guess I was so inspired when watching the Olympics that I ate an entire pint of ice cream. I don’t think I’ve ever done that in one sitting. It was Ben & Jerry’s Phish Food that I got free at Kroger (thanks “preferred customer” coupons). It’s super sweet, but I got to the point in the pint where it almost didn’t make sense to put it back, so I finished it instead. And I immediately regretted my decision because I have a giant stomachache right now (sacrifices, right?). Lo would be proud though (oh, wait…probably not) because I ate it out of the container. When I was getting ice cream on Friday night, there was a little more than a serving left in the quart and I started eating it out of the container (after I offered some to Lo first) and I realized that I hated eating ice cream out of a quart container, so I had to put it in a bowl. He thought that was super weird. And yes, we eat a lot of ice cream. It’s most likely why neither of us are “skinny”. You think watching and being motivated by the Olympics would make me want to eat a salad, but no. Perhaps it’s time for me to take a little ice cream break until I can regain some control.
What’s your favorite Olympic event?