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House Staging Part 1: Main Floor

House Staging Part 1: Main Floor

When we were getting ready to list our house, our realtor said he’d send over an interior designed who helps people stage their homes. We knew we needed to clear stuff out and try to make it look like no one actually “lives” here, so 

Gluten Free Special K Review

Gluten Free Special K Review

I heard that Special K came out with a gluten-free version, but I didn’t rush out to buy it.  It sounds good enough – technically is called Special K Touch of Brown Sugar Gluten Free Cereal, but I assumed it would be $5 and wouldn’t 

Cracker, please?

Cracker, please?

Jenson is obsessed with crackers now.  He doesn’t discriminate…saltines, goldfish, oyster…any cracker will do when he gets a hankering, which is most of the day.  One of the first things he says when we gets up, or when he gets home from somewhere, or when 

Our little bit of free time

Our little bit of free time

Despite being so busy, we’ve still taken a little time to do the things we love.  I played in two volleyball tournaments in the last3 weeks (poor timing, but I committed before knowing our listing timeframe, plus my opportunities to play are limited, both this 

New House, House Sale, Life Changes

Sorry for the absence recently.  Things got a little crazy, and I didn’t open my laptop for over 2 weeks, except for quick research or to order something.  I haven’t even been taking pictures of Jenson lately, so we’ll refer to these as the lost 

Jenson update: 17 months

Jenson update: 17 months

We had lots going on this month…more on that later…but I didn’t get to do the standard weekly posts.  I think it’s time to back off from the long weekly posts with a million pictures, and just do the monthly posts, along with any separate 

Fake Shamrock, not really

Fake Shamrock, not really

There’s a post floating around Facebook about how bad Shamrock Shakes are for you (no, really?) and that they have 33 ingredients.  Whoa, right?  Well, all of the shakes have that many ingredients or more, so no need to single out the minty green shake 

Stay to the right!

Not that right!  This isn’t a political post (and to be honest, stay wherever you want on that topic).  Just a quick PSA because I don’t have time for anything else tonight.  When you are walking down a hallway, walking around a corner, or walking 

Jenson update: 16 months

Jenson update: 16 months

We finally realized that Jenson is actually shy.  We always would tell people “he pretends he’s shy at first”, and then realized that he actually is shy.  I was shy as a kid too.  He had 2 colds and an ear infection this month, but 

The place we first called home

The place we first called home

Now that we are headed towards spring, the real estate market is starting to pick back up.  I’ve mentioned before that we are considering a move to the country once we find the land and house we are looking for.  It’s so weird to think