Photo Favorites : August 11-17, 2014

We had a pretty calm week this week. It’s probably the week that I took the least amount of pictures since Jenson was born. Choosing the photo favorites for this week was a cinch. It was my birthday week (Sunday) and I didn’t mean to not mention it on the blog at all – I had a good day for sure – and I just never got around to posting anything. Lo got me a food processor that I’ve wanted and an awesome photo puzzle of pictures of our little family. (why did I take any pictures of these things? I’ll make sure to….). He made me a cake complete with homemade frosting…we were gone in the early evening, so by the time it was done, it was pretty late and we didn’t even have any that night. I’m not usually in a great mood on Sunday nights after Jenson goes to bed…it signals the start of the workweek and having to leave Jenson all day long. It’s not that I’m worried about him when I’m gone…he’s in fantastic hands and is loved and so well-cared for (thanks ML)…but he’s just not with me and I miss him.
Another fantastic birthday present came from Jenson…he started crawling forward that day! He’d been going backwards and scooting around on his belly for weeks and we really just figured he’d skip traditional crawling, but he decided he wanted Boof’s orange hedgehog dog toy, and just took off after it. We got him on video a few times and he looked like he’d been doing it for weeks.
During that week, he also started making new noises and “talking” to us – as Lo described it – with a mouth full of consonants. It’s hilarious jibber-jabber. The identifiable things he says are dada, mama, and B-ff (boof).
I’m still behind on these….but like to think I’m catching up? (not really)
Photo Favorites: August 11-17, 2014
1. His sitter sent this picture and it cracked me up – looks like road rage. I know the feeling again, now that OSU has started back to classes…it’s taking me 45-60 minutes to get to work each day, instead of 30-40. Awful.
2. Just hanging with his dad
3. -4. Eating beets and green beans. It’s the first time he had beets and he actually liked them.
5. Playing with Brax
6. Boof looking longingly out the window – probably at her boyfriend – the neighbors’ dog who hangs out in their window.
7. Playing with a truck Chewing on a string
8. No pictures mama (I have a feeling I’ll see this a lot in the future)
9. He took an epic morning nap one day and I couldn’t help but take pictures of him – I happily stayed in bed with him. Look at his ankle rolls in the first picture and how he’s sleeping with his legs like that…ahh!
10. He doesn’t use his binky much, but sometimes when he’s napping if I don’t nurse him to sleep.
11. Crashed out
12. Wake up!
13. Just woke up!
14. Funny faces
15. He loves playing on our bed
16. Planks
17. Enjoying the “ice cream” cone on his exersaucer
18. – 19. Being silly and adorable
20. A walk in the stroller knocked him out (which was probably our intent). We just bring the stroller in the house and let him keep napping.
21. He’s 45 weeks old!
22. Find the sticker…and peel off
23. “hey – where’d it go?”
24. Not thrilled that it’s back on
25. Distracting him enough to get another good one/
26. It’s over…practicing his new crawling skills and going for the (babyproofed) sockets
27. Sticking out his tongue
28. Big laughs
29. Mom of the year here…I have to move a chair to take the pictures in this spot (best light) and one of the chair leg pads came off and I didn’t realize it until I took this picture and saw something in his mouth when I was taking it! I was so glad I saw it and was able to snatch it from his mouth because if he would happened to have swallowed it, he would have choked. Unlikely that he would have tried – as he’s pretty good at spitting out food when he has too much in his mouth (thanks to baby led weaning), but it was still a little scary.
30. Boof didn’t want to be left out of the photos. She joins the pictures on her own now (she knows she’ll get a treat afterwards). I don’t think she loves sitting beside him, but she’s going to be disappointed once we aren’t doing weekly photos anymore. Maybe I’ll have to continue to take one each week (but less organized and NO sticker, lol). She was in most of my weekly pregnancy photos, so she’s been taking a weekly picture for over a year and a half!