Photo Favorites : August 18-24 , 2014

Since he started crawling the week before, he was all over the place this week! It opened a whole new world to him to be able to play with what he wants, when he wants. He did a little better sleeping this week and we were hopeful that it would stick (it didn’t). He says mama, dada, and bff, along with his mouth full of consonants and funny noises.
Photo Favorites: August 18-24, 2014
1. Much easier for him to keep up with Braxton now that he can get around! This ball tower toy is one of his favorites now that he can reach the top and then crawl after the balls once the come out the bottom.
2. Crawling also makes it easier for him to try to sneak out the doggie door. 🙂
3. Our sitter sent us this picture of when he woke up from his nap one day.
4. Playing at his music table.
5. Hard napping
6. On the way to dinner with friends at Yabo’s
7. Having eggs…
8. One of his other favorite things is taking all the books off of the shelf. He doesn’t put them back.
9. Funny faces after waking from a nap with me.
10. Reading…
11. One of his favorite books “The Dog that I Love Best” (about a shelter dog, like Boof)
12. Kissing the dog puppet on the book. When I read it to him, after each page I say “woof, woof” and he leans in to give the dog a kiss (or bite its face)
13. Gathering up the balls
14. Playing with the tower
15. Climbing on the stool
16. After dinner with friends at Cinco – our food took forever, but he did so well (with the help of some puffs)
17. and 18. Oatmeal can be finger food, right?
19. Loving his breakfast
20. He keeps raising his hand like this and it cracks us up – not sure what he’s telling us.
21. Time for cleanup
22. Wiping his own mouth (or chewing on the washcloth)
23. All clean!
24. Happy after breakfast
25. This darn sticker again
26. Where did it go?
27. Going for the plugs (babyproofed, of course)
28. Trying to distract him so he forgets about the sticker
29. He won’t find it here (he didn’t)
30. Seems to have forgotten
31. Posing with Boofy
32. Our 46 week old sweetie!
33. They are totally making the same faces
34. And the same poses
35. and 36. Checking out his bear (which was going to wear his sticker if I couldn’t get him to)