Photo Favorites : August 25-31, 2014

The last week of August was a big week for Jenson. It seemed like he made so many changes during that week. He found his clapping rhythm and I got an awesome video of him clapping to “I’ve Got to Break Free” by Queen. After that, he was ALL about clapping – whether he was doing it, or others were clapping for him. He also started giving high 5’s, though he has to be in the mood to comply. He started pulling himself up to stuff – the coffee table, couch, whatever.
His interactions with us seem very purposeful now. He’s doing things to make us laugh or react. Or he’ll do something and then look at us to see what we do. He added “nana” to his word count this week, as he’s started to mock words we say. We thought he was getting his top teeth this week, but it ended up being a cold.
The melt-my-heart moment of the week was when he was playing on the bed while I laid beside him and he’d stop playing with the crinkly book and turn to give me a kiss. And then go back to playing and turn to give me a kiss, over and over. Sweetest thing ever.
Photo Favorites: August 25 – 31, 2014
1. – 4. Uncle Patrick and Hailey came to visit. He was quite taken with Hailey. He hadn’t seen her for months, and he tends to be drawn to pretty girls (like one of the Yabo’s waitresses). I love how he’s staring at her in the third picture.
5. – 8. Gnawing on some watermelon rind. I gave him enough that he could get some of the fruit off of it, but not enough he could choke on. He loved it – chewed on it for 20 minutes or so.
9. He sits and plays so well by himself. He started trying to stand up using all of his toys.
10. I cannot remember why I took off his shirt, but his face cracked me up here.
11. He pulled himself up to the couch and was trying to get to Boof’s toys (or Boof?)
12. Taking in the new view from standing up
13. I made some delicious zucchini bread!
14. Lo worked on the floors all weekend. He tore up the carpet from the back room so he could extend the laminate wood flooring through the whole downstairs. In order to make it one continuous stretch, he had to tear up the flooring all the way to the kitchen so he could join the boards. Plus the back floor was lower than the kitchen, so he had to put down 1/4 inch (ish) plywood down in the back room to make it level. It was a lot of extra work, but it was worth it. It also allowed him to fix a seam in the kitchen area that had popped up.
15. Looks awesome!
16. Just a random sleeping shot. I don’t know why he sleeps with his head bent backwards so far, but he almost always does it (including this moment on the monitor)
17. This was when he was clapping to “I’ve Got to Break Free”
18. This pose just cracked me up.
19. Doing some vehicle maintenance
20. Waving goodbye to Boof as he drives away
21. Went to our friends’ house to watch the first Buckeye game of the season
22. He was enthralled with the wall-size projection screen and the life-size players
23. “What was the call?”
24. “Touchdown!”
25. Clapping because everyone else was
26. Racked out after the game
27. Visiting Lo’s family. I love this outfit. He only got to wear it once before it got cold out now. 🙁
28. Hanging out in the nice weather
29. Posing with his cousin Sadie
30. Getting kisses from Sadie (she’s practicing for her twin brothers who have an eta of January)
31. and 32. When we got to their house, Sadie was walking back from the park with her Papaw and her stroller. I love these pics.
33. and 34. Jenson getting some love from his Nana. Love his chunky little legs!
35. and 36. Snuggle with Peep. So sleepy
37. With Meem and Peep
38. Sleepy on Nana
39. – 42. Jenson is 47 weeks!