Photo Favorites: December 1 – 7, 2014

I don’t know how someone can purposely hurt their own child. Jenson was in our bed with me – taking a break from nursing and was playing a bit before his nap. He does this thing where he suddenly plops backwards or forwards because he thinks it’s funny. He had just reached out for me and I held my hands outstretched to him (laying on my back). He dove to the side onto my hand, and my thumbnail, though short, cut his jaw. It was just a tiny half moon shape cut, but I know it hurt him like hell. He started crying pretty hard – the cry where he can barely breathe and he’s looking at me like “why did you do that to me?!”. I immediately started nursing him again – knowing that the comfort provides natural pain relief. And I started crying myself. I know it was nothing that I “did” or didn’t do…it was a total, unpredictable accident. I just couldn’t stand that I hurt him. He nursed until he fell asleep and he was fine. The mark is still just barely visible, and it still makes me feel bad every time I see it. He was already having a rough few days as he was trying to recover from a cold, fever, and from pink eye. Every couple of hours when we had to put his eye drops in, he cried like we were hurting him. (you can see the little scratch in this pic)
So it was a bit of a rough week, but he was pretty good by the weekend.
Photo Favorites: December 1 – 7, 2014
This one is actually from the week before, but I just found it on Lo’s phone, and he loved being in the water so much. That reminds me…I need to try to get him in swimming lessons this winter while he’s still loving the water.
Sweet sleeping picture of Jenson.
Boof went to the vet to have a tooth pulled (it was blackish) and have them cleaned, and they had to pull two bottom teeth. I got this pic of her and couldn’t stop laughing. It’s mean, but so funny – and she’s still so pretty.
I had to take Jenson to the doctor because he had pink eye. It never got bad, but it’s no fun to put eye drops in his eyes!
Jenson’s future towndown pose.
Reaching for some water
Pouting because he couldn’t reach the water
He got over it really fast.
A friend had posted on Facebook about St. Nicholas Day and I thought it would be a fun tradition to start. The history St. Nicholas is actually what where the story of Santa came from. St. Nicholas’ wealthy parents died while he was young and he committed to obeying Jesus’ words to “sell what you own and give the money to the poor,”, and used his whole inheritance to assist the needy, the sick, and the suffering. While there are many legends of his good deeds, some include him tossing bags of gold into the window of needy families, which landed in their shoes/stockings that were left in front of the fire to dry. This led to the custom of children hanging stockings or putting out shoes, awaiting gifts from Saint Nicholas. St. Nicholas Day is celebrated on the day of his death, December 6, and children leave shoes or stockings outside of their bedroom door or on the hearth on December 6 (sometimes with carrots or hay for his white horse or donkey). The next morning, they will find a simple gift, and often a candy cane (which represents his crozier, or staff/shepherd’s crook). It’s a great story because it gives an opportunity to teach kids about giving to the needy, and to come up with a way to give back during the holiday season. I don’t know what our tradition will turn into for this holiday yet – Jenson can’t eat candy, so I just settled on his Christmas jammies (will likely continue this instead of giving them on Christmas eve), a Christmas book, and apple, and some puffs/mum-mums.
He was neither surprised or excited, because he doesn’t really get what’s going on…but whatever – it’ll be fun in the future for sure.
Lo was feeding him breakfast and he was picking up cheese from his tray and dropping on his head.
Lo’s mom came up to visit so we could run some errands. We were hoping to get several things done, including test driving vans (I finally caved and told Lo to buy a van after driving his car and realizing how crappy it was), going to the movies, picking up some stuff at Lowe’s, and then after Jenson went to bed, going to our friends’ house to watch the Big 10 Champ game. Instead, we test drove only 2 vans and bought one of them, which took all afternoon. We really didn’t intend to buy that one, but it was a good deal for a Honda Odyssey- which is a model that we didn’t think we’d find in our price range (but was our top choice for safety and features). This one also had all of the features we wanted (more than that, actually)…I wouldn’t have chosen it in black (have previously stated I’d never buy a black car because they get too dirty in Ohio), but when you are buying used, you can’t really pick and choose. Lo has wanted to get a van for a long time, and is thrilled with it. I wasn’t as excited about a van, but it is really nice (especially for road trips) and he drives it anyway for now.
I love this sweet picture of him watching videos with his Nana.
He loves throwing and bouncing balls….oops, lost it under the chair!
I was giving him some puffs, and Boof was so concerned about what he was eating and if he was going to share. “What are you eating?” “Are you going to share??”
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