Photo Favorites: December 22 – 28, 2014

I did a quick post right after Christmas and shared some pictures, so some of these are repeats. It was a busy week, of course…wrapping gifts, packing up for trips, etc. I took Christmas Eve off, and Lo worked a half day. Jenson and I ran to the store in the morning, and then we took a family nap after lunch before meeting our friends for dinner and gift exchanging. They got Jenson a much needed toybox, and a fold out couch/sleeper, and he loves them both so far. As you’ll see in the pictures, Boof also loves the couch.
We got up on Christmas morning, had breakfast, opened presents, and rushed off to spend the day with Lo’s family. The next day, Lo worked for a bit and we headed to my parents house for the weekend. That night is when Jenson first got sick, and he continued to throw up a couple of times a day through Saturday, but otherwise was playful and in a good mood. On Sunday morning, he threw up after nursing and was whimpering and lethargic. We got a little scared and called the Dr. The Dr. suggested we take him to a pediatric urgent care, so we decided to make the drive back to Columbus to take him to the Children’s Close to Home Urgent Care. In the case that he would have to be admitted (if he was too dehydrated), we wanted to be near home. Luckily, they were able to give him Zofran, and he didn’t get sick for the rest of the day.
Jenson was incredibly spoiled by everyone for Christmas. He plays with every single toy he was given – several little people sets, balls, play food, a toy vacuum cleaner, a toy mower, books, musical cube, and the cell phone and bike that we got him. He got cute clothes that should fit him this spring, and all kinds of stuff.
We had a great holiday week, despite the fact that it ended with Jenson getting pretty sick (which continued well into the next week). While he still didn’t quite “get” Christmas, he had a lot of fun seeing everyone.
Photo Favorites: December 22 – 28, 2014
He loves his baths. He plays with toys and splashes. Lo handles his baths, but I sneak in and watch if I don’t have too much that I’m doing (or sometimes they do that while I sleep in a bit on the weekends). I got some adorable pics this time though.
Opening his first gift! It’s a Little People truck set from Grandma Workman. He played with the tissue paper for a long time before I finally took the gift out for him, lol. And then he played with that a bunch.
Breakfast on Christmas Eve
I don’t know why he was hanging out on Boof’s mat in the kitchen. He laid there for several minutes. He’s all ready to go out for sushi on Christmas Eve.
After dinner and with his Aunt Kel and Uncle Chuck
Reading Twas the Night Before Christmas.
Family photo! (I don’t know why we don’t use the tripod/timer more often)
Santa was here! Boof hanging out on Jenson’s couch.
Breakfast on Christmas Day and another family photo.
Checking out his cell phone, dancing with Snoopy, and snuggling with Daddy.
New adorable raincoat! Photo with my baby.
I pushed him around in his bike the next day for a bit – he loved it. This is such a cool bike – the sunshade folds back, and it can eventually be a regular tricycle that he can steer and pedal himself once we take off the handle. He was just chilling on his couch with his new toys and balls.
Cheesing at someone at my mom’s. And then this. He crawled right over to the fridge, stopped, licked it, and then kept crawling. I don’t know how I was ready to take the picture, but I’m glad I did.
Playing ball with some of his cousins and then with his new recycling truck . You can put stuff in it and dump it out the back. He spent a lot of time recycling wrapping paper.
I was giving him a snack and he decided it was fun to eat right out of the bowl. I went with it, because it was less messy! So thirsty!! He got sick after dinner, so he was probably quite parched. He wasnt’ actually drinking out of the bottles though – they had caps and/or were empty and he liked pretending.
Sunday morning when he was so sick. He was so lethargic…it was scary. I’m so glad that’s over.
They just hung out on the bed while we rushed to pack our stuff up so we could leave.
At urgent care….”I’m sick, but not too sick to try to push buttoms I’m not supposed to”.
He was feeling better Sunday evening after the Zofran, and played with his new toys a bit.
Only one more week to cover from 2014. It was a rough week, but I spend lots of time snuggling my lovey.