Photo Favorites: January 4 – 11, 2015

It was a relief that Jenson was all better this week and back to himself. He was a hungry boy! I guess not eating much for a week will do that. He was still a little extra attached to me, but its getting better. It was weird to be back to work for a whole week, but I made it through. We got lots of snow, so commutes were extra fun, of course. We had a nice relaxing weekend, which included some visits with friends. We totally intended to take him out in the snow and pull him around in his sled, but forgot! It’s too dark after work normally, so we’ll have to remember next weekend.
Photo Favorites: January 4 – 11, 2015
Goofing off while we were at work. Fussing for me to pick him up.
He’s been trying to use his spoon more lately rather than us feed him. He’s washable, so it’s cool.
Playing with his favorite box. He’s been pushing this around since after Christmas. He puts things in it and pushes it through the house.
More spoon practice. He likes trying to scoop from a container and gets mad if we won’t give it to him to hold. But sometimes using his hand is just easier.
Family nap time. Lo got the dog, I got the kid. Best way to nap. My sister put together the split screen shot after I sent them pictures of how similar Jenson looks sleeping compared to one from when I was 3 or 4. It’s mostly just our mouths in that pictures, but I just happened upon the picture of me while I was looking for something, and it reminded me of this napping picture that I took the day before.
He fell off his car, but wasn’t crying – he was just laying there looking at me. When I went to take the picture, he reached for me to pick him up, so it looks like i was just ignoring his pleads – but really I wasn’t. Lo said I’m mean. We had dinner with our friends on Saturday- Jenson is always happy to see his best buddy Braxton. (I know he doesn’t look happy here, but he was).
Goofing off in his wagon – still one of his favorite places to play.
Showing us “Touchdown!”
I looove the hat how cute! Once Sam realized he could use forks and spoons dinner time got a lot messier haha.