Photo Favorites: November 10 – 16, 2014

Our week started off on the tail end of our Vegas trip. We don’t do a lot while we are out there, but there’s still never enough time to visit. It’s hard to do much anyway, since one of the boys is usually eating or napping at any given time. We left the house and did several things though. When we were out there in May, Summer and I only left the house to go on a walk and when we went for our Mother’s Day brunch and massages. Anyway, our flight home was good. We were lucky enough to get another seat for Jenson. And also that we were sitting near guys who liked kids and were willing to interact with Jenson. It made him so happy. Again, he slept for about 1.5 – 2 hours of the flight, and did pretty well. There was definitely a time when he was getting fussy and we just kept him entertained by giving him kamut puffs and happy baby o’s. Whatever it takes.
He did a lot of standing this week – both up against things, and standing up in the middle of the room without anything to support himself. He acts like he wants to take a step, but doesn’t get his foot moved. He has a strong core – must be from all of those baby planks when he was tiny. Look how tiny!!
He had 2 food firsts this week…the ones that made me the most nervous: cows milk and peanut butter. We started cutting his bottles with a ounce of whole milk. I was nervous because milk allergies can really suck (and be hard to determine because he can’t just tell me his belly hurts), and I had a milk allergy once I was weaned from breastmilk. I had to drink goat’s milk for a period of time, and luckily outgrew the allergy. He had done fine with it, and seems to like it enough. We gave him peanut butter on pancakes on Saturday morning and he loved it – no reaction, so obviously that’s awesome. I know that peanut allergies can develop after the fact, but still…
Some of his new things to say were “jumpy, jumpy, jumpy” when he was in the doorway jumper and I was saying that to him. He also kept going “ei-ei-ei” from “old mcdonald”, but he leaves off the “o” at the end. Anytime I say his name to get his attention, he repeats it. Funny, but I can’t help but think he’s already mocking me…
Oh – mostly importantly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After we returned from vegas, Jenson slept through the night!! He slept through the night until friday, when I spent about an hour trying to get him back to sleep between 3-4. On Saturday night, we were determined to let him cry a little longer than normal in hopes that he’d settle himself (after checking on him to make sure he wasn’t wet or something). He gets into a habit of waking up just so we can come in to comfort him until he goes back to sleep. So that night it started around 3:45, and it took about 25 minutes before he was completely asleep again – with Lo checking on him in between once…but he went back to sleep. He was falling asleep sitting up – not crying anymore – and finally laid down and went to sleep. I was so excited that I took a picture. Again, since then he’s done pretty well. (after the fact, we realized he got two more top teeth over these two days, so that’s probably why he was waking..and that made me feel a little bad…)
Photo Favorites: November 10-16, 2014
Sweetie babies. Max finally stole back a toy that Jenson took from him. The next time they see each other – when Max is mobile – it’s going to be a whole new ballgame.
While we were in Vegas, my sister was helping to throw one of her best friends a baby shower. I was really happy to be out there and get to go because I got to know Erin pretty well through Summer. We (and a friend of mine) traveled to Europe several years ago, and every time I’ve been in Vegas, we’ve hung out with Erin. Regarding the picture, I’m so disappointed that I didn’t get any shots of Jenson and Max in their outfits for the party. They both looked adorable. Summer may have some pictures, but this is all that I have!
Someone woke up from a nap with bedhead! Well, both of them did, but Jenson’s was much more impressive.
Max is so adorable. I miss him.
Sneaking some kisses on Jenson. Luckily, he still doesn’t mind (usually).
Reading books!
Reading one last book together before bed, on our last night there.
Back to the airport. Very lucky to get a seat again!
Jenson playing peek-a-boo with the people behind us. He “played” with the guys diagonal across the aisle for the longest time though.
We were happy to get home to Boof, and 2 nights later we got to return the favor and keep Lincoln while our neighbors were at the hospital welcoming a sweet baby boy to the world. I loved keeping Lincoln – he and Boof were pretty crazy for the first few hours (they always are), but once we settled down to watch tv, he curled up next to me on the couch without another bark. When I went up to bed, he jumped up in our bed and curled up against my legs. He curls to a pretty small ball, compared to his height, so it was nice and cozy.
Jenson playing in the morning.
I don’t know what the deal is with Boof sitting right beside Jenson – she’s usually not willing to be that close.
Funny pictures that Lo takes while I’m sleeping in.
On Sunday, we had a baby shower for Lo’s sister and brother-in-law at his mom’s house. They are expecting twin boys this January! They already have Sadie, but with having a boy…and two of them…they were going to need more “stuff”. I didn’t get a lot of pics (forgot the camera again!), but here are some from the party.
And I loved Jenson’s outfit. He looked pretty bad ass.