Photo Favorites: November 17 – 23, 2014

We had a nice calm week and weekend. Jenson slept through the night until between 5 – 7 a.m. each night! I keep expecting it to end, but I’ll take it as long as it lasts! He’s been really playful before bed each night, but goes to sleep pretty easily. Sometimes he falls asleep when I’m nursing him before bed, sometimes I lay him down still awake. I feel pretty good where we are with his sleep now. We bring him in our bed in the morning – he wants to nurse by then, and both of us like him being there. We do need to figure out how to handle it when I’m not going to nurse him anymore at that time…right now if I try not to right away, he starts crying pretty quickly. We’ll get through it though.
Other big news…Jenson took a step from the ottoman to the couch on Saturday while both of us were sitting there! I was glad that we got to see it. He also did a lot of walking with his walker and had a lot of fun with that. He loves standing up and playing with his toys. He can stand for a long time without support and while holding things. He’s also been dancing a ton. He has sweet moves and just can’t hold back when he hears music.
Photo Favorites: November 17-23, 2014
Jenson was hilarious this night before bed. After reading books, he just started laughing at everything. He would just crawl around the room and look at us and laugh…for like 20 minutes. Eventually he fell and bumped his head, and that was the end of that. It was past bedtime anyway, so we headed upstairs.
See the glowing eyes near the stairs? For some reason, Boof was creeping on me one night. Lo had gone to the store, and she watched me from a distance the whole time. I was in the kitchen most of the time, and she sat and looked at me from three different rooms.
Bathtime with Daddy, and playtime with mama
I was home from work early one day, so we bundled up and took a walk. Later for dinner, he wasn’t interested in eating much, but he loves him some beets!
This Saturday, he woke up with hair like this…
and like this… (static)
So I called the Dublin Barber Shoppe and they said they had openings, so we raced to get ready and get over there before they closed. Saturdays are walk-in only, and I guess they are usually packed. But the roads were horrible that morning after a sudden freezing rain situation, and it was during an OSU game. One last picture with his longer hair…
At the barber shop, the guy just set him on a bench across the barber chair and started cutting. He did really well until the end when the barber had to hold his head looking down so he could cut the back bottom. He started crying then and we just did what we could to settle him so he could finish. The barber did a fantastic job and was so kind and patient.
It turned out great, and we raced home because he was well past his lunch time. He was getting sleepy, and was silly.
Later that night, we met my sister and her fam/friends at a hotel in town – they came for the OSU game and stayed at hotel with a pool, so we went to swim for a bit. The water was a little cold, but Jenson didn’t mind it. We just sat on the stairs, and he splashed around and watched the kids. I failed at taking any pics.
On Sunday he and Lo took a nap. When they laid down, Lo couldn’t get enough blanket because Boof was laying on the covers, so I threw this snuggie on him. It landed on him almost perfectly laid out, so I adjusted it a little and took a picture because it’s awesome.
Jenson took an epic nap, and woke up with awesome bedhead.
Then Jenson and I met our friend and her little girl at the Worthington Rec Center to swim a bit. Jenson really loved the pool here because it was zero entry, so he could reach the bottom in the infant area. He was splashing and squealing and laughing the whole time. There’s a lazy river area that we floated them around in a bunch. He just loved the whole time we were there. We definitely need to go back, and to get him in some swim lessons. He let me put his face in the water a little, and also float on his back a bit (which are the two things most babies hate in the water). He missed an afternoon nap while we were there, so he CRASHED when we got in the car. Lo picked up some City BBQ and Meg and Grace came over for dinner and some on-land playtime.
That night when we went in my room so I could nurse him before bed, he grabbed a (clean) nursing pad from my stand and held onto it the whole time. He kept holding it when I went to lay him down in the crib, held onto it most of the night (or had it near him), and when Lo got him out of the crib in the morning, he held onto it until he got downstairs and started playing! We stopped putting his blanket in his crib because he’d wake and throw it out and then cry, but maybe he’s ready for it again since he’s sleeping through the night most nights. I’d rather that be his lovey than a nursing pad. You can see it laying near his elbow.