Photo Favorites: November 24 – 30, 2014

It was a very short work week thanks to Thanksgiving. We took Wednesday off and headed to visit my family before traffic got crazy. We had a great trip and he slept really well there – which was unexpected since he was in the pack-n-play. He didn’t really try to take steps while we were there. He was very active and crawled all over the house though, just exploring. He’d do this thing where he’d start to crawl out of the room, and if I’d say “hey, where you going? you come back here!”. He’d laugh and turn around and crawl back into the room. Over and over. If only he’d continue to listen so well…
We headed back on Saturday and relaxed for a bit before my SIL’s family came up to go to Zoolights and stay with us. We had fun visiting that night and the next morning. Jenson was happy because one of his favorite things to say is “Sadie”, so he actually got to play with her a lot. Sometimes he wakes up saying “Sadie”. The other person he’s obsessed with is Lo. He LOVES his daddy hard right now. If he’s in our bed and he sees him get up in the morning and go to brush his teeth, he cries “daddy, daddy, daddy”…like a “real” cry with tears. It’s really sweet how much he loves him. While I’d be happy with that boy attached to my hip forever, I’m happy to share him. It’s probably a part of his weaning process…he’s not going to be attached to me forever and its going to be great to watch him look up to his dad and copy his every move. Including his dance moves. Those are awesome.
Photo Favorites: November 24 – 30, 2014
Somehow I didn’t take pictures earlier in the week, so we’ll start with picking his toes on the way to my parent’s house! He pulled on his socks and picked away until he fell asleep. He was so excited to get to their house!
I also failed to take good pictures in his Thanksgiving gear – he had a cute button down shirt he was wearing on top before he ate.
Wearing Caden’s hat and playing with the exercise ball.
Hanging out with Aunt Jackie and his cousin Brady.
This face.
Working on his basketball form. It’s about as good as mine.
Sleepy face
Reading with Gramma
Family photo
Hanging with Pappap
Gramma and Pappap
Watching the OSU/Michigan game….touchdown!
Zoolights later that night
Strollering with Sadie at Zoolights. Jenson was so tired, but he loved the lights and stayed awake the whole time.
Posing with Sadie and Boof. Jenson had just sneezed and was making a funny face. Lo said he looks like a troll all hunched over like that, lol.
Getting tired of pictures and playing in the wagon.
Uncle Dave pushed him around on this car forever! Sadie was racing in front of them on another one.
With Aunt Misty and his future twin cousins.
I loved this sequence of him throwing the ball.
I was playing with my camera setttings and found this sketch feature. Thought these were cute.
Our friends got Jenson this balloon and a card when he broke his arm. He loves it but we decided it was time to deflate it for his scrapbook. He got to have some last fun with it. I was bopping him on his head with it and when I took the stick off of the balloon and gave it to him, he starting bopping himself with it and laughing.