Photo Favorites: October 20 – 26, 2014

This was Jenson’s second week with a cast and he got around great – you wouldn’t even know he had it on, except he sometimes accidentally hits us with it (and it hurts!). While he was in our bed one morning, he swung his arm and hit me in the mouth really hard and I thought I would have a fat lip. Lo said we couldn’t go anywhere if I had a fat lip and Jenson had a broken arm, because people would look at him weird. His cast also started to stink after just a few days! And of course he always laid it right by (or on) my face while he was nursing – right by my nose- so that wasn’t fun. He also likes to nurse in downward dog now….so that’s weird.
Jenson’s top two teeth finally just barely popped through his gums. One came through early in the week, and the other was later in the week. He did okay with it, but he wasn’t the best eater and sleeper while they were about to come through.
His new words of the week we “thank you” (dank du) and socks. I know there were others, but he says so many that it’s hard to keep track! He is just constantly repeating things we say – even just the last word of our sentence. I said “shit” accidentally one day and he kind of repeated it, but I didn’t react and luckily he hasn’t said it again! I didn’t tell Lo for like a week, because if he did repeat it, I was going to try to play dumb (but would have probably admitted it like 5 minutes later).
I changed the formatting of this post compared to the previous weeks. Now that I’m finally not taking a million pictures a week (usually), I don’t want to mess around with the collages.
Photo Favorites: October 20 – 26, 2014
Jenson had his follow-up appointment at the orthopedic doctor a week after he hurt his arm. They took another set of x-rays and showed us how the fracture was angulated. She said there was still an angulation (like a curvature/misalignment), but that since he is so young, it’ll straighten as he grows. She said that he’d be able to get it off in 2 weeks, which will only have been 3.5 weeks…and perfect timing because it was 2 days before we left for Las Vegas!
Boof is giving me a really shitty look in this picture.
Reading after his bath and before bed. We cut the arm off of an old secondhand sleeper to fit over his cast and just rotate it with a few other pajama options. The sock over the cast is because it’s so rough. It also helps him slide his arm on the floor to crawl.
He adapted really well to eating with his left hand. He ate his broccoli really well, but starting rejecting carrots this week. I just kept offering, and sometimes he’d eat them, sometimes he wouldn’t.
Jenson went to his first OSU women’s volleyball game. He actually seemed to like watching the game and following the ball. He also really liked our friend Julie – she has very blond hair, and he seems partial to blonds. It was balls hot in the gym for some reason – the boiler had to have been stuck on or something – and it was a later game, so we had to leave after the 4th game because he was done. He fell asleep as soon as I buckled him in the car.
This kid’s smile. Love. People kept asking how he was doing with his cast – you would barely even know he had one. He crawled over things, read books, played just like normal.
He starting standing a lot this week again – he stopped for a bit after he got he cast. The clothes laying on the floor were in a pile by the basement door, and he dragged and threw them all over the place.
We tried to buy Jenson this creek. It’s at the back of a property with a 100 year old house with 5+ acres that we put an offer on. There were multiple offers and ours wasn’t accepted. We are pretty disappointed about it, but we weren’t willing to offer more because we were going to have to put a lot of work into it. Like a lot. But mostly cosmetic, and it would have been beautiful.
We went to our friends’ house for their neighborhood trick-or-treat the Sunday before Halloween. They sit out with their neighbors and have drinks and do a fire pit. Jenson liked watching the kids and dogs come up for candy.