Photo Favorites: September 15-21, 2014

Yep, a month behind again. I was so close to getting caught up on updates and photos, and then between volleyball twice a week, and getting things ready for Jenson’s first birthday party, I slipped behind again. But that’s okay. I’m behind on posts (miserably), but life is more important.
Jenson still wasn’t sleeping well still and would want to be in our bed every night by 2 or 3 a.m. He didn’t even care about nursing at night anymore – just wanted to be in there with us. We realized we needed to go in to comfort him, but not pick him up unless he really wouldn’t calm down. Since I didn’t need to nurse him at night anymore, either of us could go in to comfort him – usually just rubbing his back or tummy, and repositioning him in the crib since he ends up with his head at the top of the crib and gets upset. He sits up and cries until we go in to comfort him. The first few days it took a long time to get him back to sleep when he was upset, but it slowly got better. We decided we were okay with bringing him into bed around 5 a.m. if he woke. It’s really hard to try to get him back to sleep when we have to get up in an hour. Plus I figure he’s probably ready to nurse at that point, and I need to nurse him before work anyway.
He’s starting to show his temperament sometimes. He’ll be playing and laughing, and then he’ll suddenly “hulk out” or fake cry to see what we’ll do. He especially does it if we won’t give him something he wants. It’s fun how he does things to watch our reactions and interacts with us. I got an awesome video where he was going towards the doggie door and I’d say “No….” and he’d say “Yeah!!”. We went back and forth and he’d crawl towards the door and then turn and look at me. So funny.
Photo Favorites: September 15-21, 2014
1. – 3. Playing the doggie door game. He hasn’t tried to go out of it yet, but he plays around with it a little.
4. Boof looking on.
5. – 8. Funny dinner pictures. He’s eating more and more and does so well. When he’s done though, he’d done.
9. – 12. I schedule his first haircut, so I wanted to take some pictures to show how long it was. Total Beatles baby. We think that spot on his face is a little eczema.
13. – 14. Happy baby!
15. Checking out the door again.
16. Cuteness
17. – 20. He liked blackberries, lol.
21. – 22. Our anniversary was on Sunday. It was our 4th, but most of the week I said it was our 3rd. The traditional gifts are kinda sucky for this anniversary…appliances, fruit, linen…. I struggled with what to do for him and thought that an Edible Arrangement would be perfect, except he doesn’t eat fruit. I thought about making him a meat and cheese edible arrangement and googled to see if there was such a thing. Turns out, people have made them before. But I looked for other things for him because it doesn’t really fall within the “fruit” category. I decided to make him some artwork printed on linen once I found it could be done pretty simply. I forgot to take a picture, but the project turned out pretty cool. ANYWAY….surprisingly Lo sent an edible arrangement to me at work on Friday. It was awesome because I do love fruit…especially chocolate-covered fruit. So once he sent that to me, I knew I had to also make him a meat and cheese one because it would be funny. That is also another post. It turned out so well though.
23. – 24. Lo’s mom came up on Saturday evening so we could go to dinner. It was so nice of her. We went to a late dinner at J.Liu in Dublin and it was excellent. After dinner we weren’t sure what to do since he was sleeping fine, so we met friends for a drink at a new bar in Powell – I can’t remember the name and don’t feel like looking it up. Lo’s mom gave us our REAL anniversary present by saying she’d get up with Jenson in the morning. So once she heard him stirring and gave me some time to nurse him, she popped into our room and grabbed him. We stay in bed until after 11 a.m.! That’s not crazy for me, but it’s been years since Lo has stayed in bed that long unless he was sick.
25. – 27. Our weekend project was painting our countertops! I received a countertop painting kit from Giani and we decided we wanted to have it ready for Jenson’s birthday party. It was a pretty simple process that took about 4 days (including prep work and drying time). Lo did the prep work of removing silicone seals, filling the seams and a damaged patch with wood putty, and taping off the counters. We painted on the primer on Saturday evening so it could dry overnight. Lo’s mom helped me sponge on the color on Sunday, and then Lo finished with the clear coats over the next two days. The last picture shows before we removed the painters tape, of course, but we LOVE it. More in another post too (yeah, I told you I’m super behind on posts).
28. We went to a going away party for a friend and Jenson got to hang out with his buddy Corbett. Corbett was big into giving him hugs that night. Jenson wasn’t sure about this.
28. – 32. Jenson is 50 weeks old! These photos shoots were getting harder and harder..he really wants to peel that number off. If there’s a next baby, we’ll use a chalkboard or something non-wearable, lol. But it was a fun project and I can get through two more weeks, if he can.