Photo Favorites: September 22 – 28, 2014

After delaying scheduling a haircut for Jenson for weeks, I finally decided he needed one before his 1 year photos. The photos were going to be outside, so the wind would be blowing his mop all around and in his face. I ended up getting them scheduled for the night before the pictures. That could have been a disaster if they made him look like Lloyd from Dumb and Dumber. She didn’t, luckily.
His 12 month photos went pretty well. He wasn’t smiley for many, but we got some great photos anyway- especially of the three of us.
We enjoyed the nice weather on Saturday by going to a fall festival, which felt decidedly summer-like, since it was like 80 degrees. Sunday we just hung out at home and it was wonderful.
Photo Favorites: September 22 – 28, 2014
1. – 3. Jenson’s first haircut at J. Bentley’s. The stylist was great – she was very patient when he kept turning his head and fussing. I just sung quietly in his ear to help him stay calm. I told her to just take off a tiny bit – enough to keep it out of his eyes, but not to make it look like he got a haircut.
4. The before and after! It looks great! The salon does a before and after picture (for everyone), which is really cool, especially for this occasion.
5. Waiting for his haircut at the salon (this one is out of order, but it’s where it fit).
6. Watching videos of himself on Lo’s phone. He loves doing that.
7. He started grabbing at his mobile, so Lo had to take it down. Ornery kid.
8. Morning spoon with Boof. Adorable. They are laying the same with their heads back.
9. – 16. Lo was eating and apple and Jenson decided he wanted it. He scrapes little bits off with his two tiny teeth. I couldn’t help but take a bunch of pictures because it was so cute. When Lo would take the apple to take a bite, Jenson would start kicking his legs and reaching for it. His faces…
17. Went to Stratford Ecological Center for the Fall Festival. Met up with Braxton and his parents and had a good time. Jenson was playing with Rachel’s sunglasses.
18. Checking out the teepee – I want one of these for our backyard (when we have a bigger yard)
19. Braxton loved this old tractor. And Lo – he’s quite taken with Lo.
20. Jenson and daddy.
21. Playing with the bubble wands
22. This bubble was HUGE and looked really cool against the sky – Rachel made this one.
23. Enjoying the sun (we totally forgot sunscreen, but luckily Rachel had some)
24. Jenson’s first hayride!
25. Almost his last weekly photo shoot! 51 weeks!
26. I put the hat on to try to distract him from peeling off the sticker.
27. – 28. It didn’t work, but he’s still adorable. Hat made by my sister Christine, of course. It was actually for when he was a baby, but it was always too big until recently.
29. – 32. Funny photos with his Boofie dog. Clapping and touchdown arms (during which he yells “YAY”).
It was a good week.