Reasons that Cardale Jones should stay put

Obviously, it’s old news that Cardale Jones is returning to OSU for next season. And he should. Opinions are split wildly on this…and it kind of seems like people who don’t know much about the NFL are the ones who say he should take the (3rd or 4th round) money and run. I disagree for a variety of reasons. Here’s my take. I wrote this right before the press conference after reading a Facebook post in my local mom’s group…and it was clear that many of these moms didn’t know much about football, let alone the NFL. It was also clear that some were just repeating what they heard their husbands say, lol. But I wrote down my thoughts because I didn’t want his decision to sway what my original opinion about it was. (because surely my opinion matters)
Written at 3:58 pm before the press conference.
Why Cardale should stay put
Cardale Jones is set to announce whether he’s entering the NFL draft or not today. He shouldn’t.
Reasons to go to the NFL:
- He’s hot right now. NFL teams know who he is.
- He may not get the start next year if Miller and Barrett are both back (though it should be his job to lose currently)
- Americans can’t handle delaying gratification. It sounds like big money to him right now (and he has an infant daughter to think about), but if he’s a good as he looked, he’ll be that much better in 1-2 years and will go at a higher round. And I’m sure Cleveland will be drafting another QB by then.
Reasons to stay at Ohio State:
- He’s started 3 college games! That’s it! Yes, he won them. Yes, they were big games. Yes, there was a trophy and confetti after each game. But it’s still only 3 games.
- There’s a reason why he was 3rd string QB. Whether it was lack of polished skill, attitude issues, or he wasn’t a hard worker/leader, I don’t know, but it was something.
- He may get drafted by a team who doesn’t sit him and develop him…and then his career will last about 9 games. So he’ll have a 2 year contract of about $200k, and then he’ll be done. No degree, no future in the NFL. And he’s not pretty enough to be a sports commentator like other QB’s who don’t make it, ala Jesse Palmer and Tim Tebow. Remember Tim Tebow was a Heisman winner and 1st round draft, and look how much that helped him – I’m not saying they are similar players, but that shows you how fast the league can spit out QB’s who were consistently successful in college.
- We know he’s athletic, we know he can lead a team that already has a strong offense…but can he lead a team that is down on their luck or has a struggling offense or line? What if they have a weak running game and he doesn’t have a bruiser like Elliot? If there’s no running game, the defenses don’t have to respect the run and can key on the pass.
- Starting QB should be his job to lose right now. If he is THAT good, he’ll keep it. If he’s not, he wouldn’t have made it in the NFL anyway.
(the following is written after the press conference)
What I don’t know, is why he had to hold a press conference in Cleveland? Press conferences in Cleveland always have controversy. Especially when a big deal is made about it and ESPN gets involved. Maybe he was just doing it for attention or to be funny, but if he’s all about playing school now, why drive 2 hours away from your school to announce that you’re going to stay? I kind of feel like he should have held it AT Ohio State, since that what his decision was going to be. Like – “I love it here, I’m staying!”. Oh well. I’m curious whether he wasn’t completely sure what his decision was going to be until shortly before the press conference, even though he said it was always no question for him. Maybe he was meeting with coaches and people to discuss his expected draft position and what that could mean. I believe the announcement got pushed from 3-4 pm, though there may have been any logistical reason for that I guess.
Either way, it’s an incredibly hard decision for someone his age to make – especially since its not something he would have even been thinking about a month ago. I’m glad that he didn’t just go for the money and instant fame – he must have enough confidence that he can be even better next year. I hope that he is – the team could be unstoppable again.
And I love this quote that he said in response to his critics: “It’s my life, and I have to live it, not them,” Jones said.