Roasted Balsamic Butternut Squash with Goat Cheese
I like most variety of winter squash, but Lo isn’t a big fan. He’ll eat a squash dish if I make it (usually), but he’s not a big fan…just a…

1st Place Quinoa Burger
A grocery store in our area had a burger contest that a friend of ours entered. He didn't win, but he got the recipe for the 1st place winner in…

3 Ingredient Gluten free Nutella Doughnuts
Yes, gluten free nutella doughnuts that actually taste good. Even better - 3 ingredients. This recipe needed to be shared ASAP because they are…
And then I poisoned myself
We had another busy weekend and I'm spent - which is the opposite of how I should feel after a weekend. Friday I went to a Leadership Forum put on…

Appetizer Night Part 2!
After work on Friday night, I had a bad headache for a couple of hours, so we didn't make any plans. I also didn't have any thoughts for dinner (we…

Apple Gouda Chicken Sausage and Corn Risotto
We almost always have AmyLu Apple and Gouda Chicken Sausages in our fridge or freezer from Costco. They are so good...gluten free, few ingredients,…
August 2011 Kitchen Challenge
I’m going to challenge myself. My goal is to not turn on the oven during the month of August. We live on the 2nd floor and our place…

Avocado and Kiwi Salsa
Our friends had an opening ceremonies wine party for the Olympics, which I thought was a spectacular idea. Each couple had to "claim" a country and…
Balsamic Autumn Salad Redo
I posted about making this Balsamic Autumn Salad last week, but upon eating leftovers, I realized there are a few changes that I’d make. The…

Balsamic Chicken with Lemony Mushrooms and Beans
Need a clean, tasty dinner? I found this recipe in the April/May issue of Clean Eating Magazine and decided to…

Banana Cupcakes with Peanut Butter Frosting
I made these cupcakes to take into work near Easter last year, and not only were they adorable, they were SO good! I had been craving peanut butter…

Betty Crocker Gluten Free Mixes and Giveaway
Contest has ended: Sarah S. is the winner! I was contacted by MyBlogSpark to see if I would be interested in reviewing the Betty Crocker Gluten…
Black-Jack Chicken Quesadillas
This is a great appetizer or a quick dinner with a spicy/sweet flavor combination. Black-Jack Chicken Quesadillas1/3 cup blackberry…

Blondies and Brownies (or are they Auburns?)
I had a couple of gluten free baking mixes burning a hole in my pantry and I was waiting for an opportunity to make them when we'd be able to take…

Bourbon Chicken
I cooked a few pounds of chicken breasts in a crockpot and made several meals out of the chicken. This bourbon chicken recipe was Lo's favorite and…

Braised Potatoes with Pepper and Paprika
I made these potatoes a couple of years ago for Easter and realize I never posted about them, other than mentioning them in another post. It was…

Breakfast Chili Potato Hash
When I organized the pantry I found a can of turkey chili that was nearing the sell-by date so I set it on the counter to remember to use it. After a…

Buffalo Turkey Lettuce Wraps
I love lettuce wraps - especially P.F. Changs - but I wanted to make a version that wasn't Asian-inspired (mostly because we didn't have soy…

Buffalo Turkey Lettuce Wraps
I love lettuce wraps - especially P.F. Changs - but I wanted to make a version that wasn't Asian-inspired (mostly because we didn't have soy…
Burger King New Menu Review and BK® Crown Card Giveaway
As a member of MyBlogSpark, I was given the opportunity to participate in the Burger King New Menu Spark. Burger King has recently added several…

Cabbage and Cheddar Gratin
Two years ago I didn't think I had any use for cabbage, except for an occasional garnish on fish tacos. I was participating in an CSA that year, I…

Cajun Cabbage and Beef
Cajun Cabbage Recipe adapted from Taste of Home 1 pound ground beef 1 medium red pepper, chopped 1 medium onion, chopped 2 garlic cloves,…

Cajun Cabbage Rolls
In August I went on a major cooking binge when Lo was out of town. One of the items that I made and froze was Cajun Cabbage Rolls. It was a risk…
Caramelized Onion Pizza with Blue Cheese and Walnuts
We love grilling pizzas and it is much easier than it seems. Use your preferred pizza dough - we usually use a roll of refrigerated dough or a…

Cauliflower Crust Pizza
A few years ago I made cauliflower crust pizza, loved it, and completely forgot about it. About a month ago, Loren got an Adriatico's pizza after…

Chard with Bacon and Apple
Chard with Bacon and Apple - before cooking I had lots of apples left from our trip to Lynd's Fruit Farm in the late fall and they were…

Chebe Sandwich Buns
Chebe is one of our favorite brands of gluten free pizza crust, but I hadn't tried any of their other products, even though I've had the…
Cheese & Spinach Stuffed Portobellos
I made this in May, so it doesn't count towards my no-oven August challenge. We have finally figured out that we love portobellos! Cheese…
Cheesy Grilled Stuffed Mini Peppers
I love the bags of those cute mini peppers at the grocery store. I know bell peppers "should" be purchased organically because they are part of the…

Chicken Enchiladas with Homemade Enchilada Sauce
Casserole recipes never look very appealing for photos..... The other night we had some extra chicken breasts in the fridge that needed used up,…

Chilaquiles. Huh?
Chilaquiles Ninety-five percent of the time, weekend breakfasts are up to Lo to handle. He gets up at least 2 hours before me and I can go…

Chipotle Corn Salad
Chipotle Corn Salad is one of my favorite things to make in the summer for get togethers because it's simple and fresh. Chipotle Corn Salad is…

Chocolate Protein Pancakes
Gluten free breakfast can get a little boring on the weekend since I usually just have eggs of some sort. I keep gluten free pancake mix in my…
Cider Vinegar Chicken
This was a nice, simple dinner that I made a couple of months ago. The picture is hard to see - the chicken is at 4 o'clock. I served it…

Clementine Cake
It's clementine season, which makes me very happy! I love those little nuggets of juicy orange-ness. I love that they are so simple to peel and…

Cooking Bacon in the Oven
I like bacon, but I hate cooking bacon so Lo usually takes care of that (and almost all weekend breakfasts). On the few occasions when I need to…

Cookout Leftovers Egg Bake
One of the best ways to save money in the kitchen is to make sure you eat your leftovers. My husband and I are usually good about eating leftovers,…

Corned Beef and Coleslaw
I was busy lazy before St. Patrick's Day weekend, so didn't get the corned beef made until the next week. I didn't know that I liked corned beef…

Crab Sushi Salad
I made this when our friends came over for dinner and served it with Quinoa Burgers and Zucchini and Prosciutto Skewers. We love sushi, so I knew…

Cranberry Lentil Salad
Lentils are one of my favorite grains...or beans...or seeds. Whatever they are, I really like them. I don't make them nearly enough, which is…

Cream Cheese Stuffed Dates
We had Mediterranean-themed potluck for my co-worker's wedding shower since they were taking a Mediterranean cruise for their honeymoon. I planned…

Creamy Ricotta Cheesecake
Mmmm..Cheesecake. I found this recipe in USA Weekend as I was sorting the mail. I don't always flip through this paper, but I'm glad I did…

Crispy Oven Fries
Crispy Oven Fries I prefer to make fries from potatoes rather than buy frozen french fries (though to be honest, I have those in the freezer…

Dilly Chicken Salad Salad
I got a big craving for chicken salad with dill seasoning a couple of weeks ago. Kelley made it a couple of times a few years back and I started…
Easter Dinner: Hawaiian Burgers, Grilled Carrots, and Braised Fingerlings
We didn't visit either of our families for Easter this year. Sunday holidays are tough because unless we take Monday off, the traffic is so bad…

Easter Meal 2011
For the last few years, we've stayed home on Easter. Traffic on Sunday night is so terrible (especially coming from my parent's in NE Ohio). The…

Easy Gluten Free Texas Sheet Cake
My mom used to make Texas Sheet Cake a few times a year when we were kids. I never knew why it was called Texas Sheet Cake, but I guess because…

Fake Shamrock Shake..eh, not really
There's a post floating around Facebook about how bad Shamrock Shakes are for you (no, really?) and that they have 33 ingredients. Whoa, right? …

Fall Pumpkin Risotto
I've been craving risotto and it seemed like the perfect time of the year to make pumpkin risotto. Arborio rice, or risotto rice, is naturally…

Fantastic Costco Finds: Cake and cheese
We went to Costco because we were running low on chocolate chips a bunch of stuff. We tend to go about once about every other month and buy…

Fast Dinner with Crash Hot Sweet Potatoes
I went to yoga at Arena District Athletic Club on Thursday after work (I have a pass with free classes), so I wanted to make a simple dinner. We…

Fiesta Quinoa and Haddock
I've been trying to prepare more seafood because we really love it and its easy to make and healthy. Quinoa has been my favorite grain for a long…
Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies
These cookies are very simple and very quick to make, but they are still delicious. Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies1 cup creamy peanut butter1 cup…

Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies: 1 dough, 5 ways
I used to love making a bunch of different Christmas cookies...trying new recipes each year and making my favorites. Then I had Jenson and that got…
GF Snack Attack! T.J.’s Crispy Crunchy C.C. Cookies
These cookies from Trader Joe's are GOOD! My friend Kelley recommended these and she was so right! I don't love crispy chocolate cookies usually,…

Ginger Chicken Soup for Chilly Weather
When I left for Florida on September 12th, it was 85+ degrees. In Florida, it was pretty much always between 85 - 92 degrees. When we got back on…

Gluten Free Baked Quinoa and Cheese
We had to work Christmas Eve and were heading to celebrate Christmas with Lo's family in the morning. I was craving a mac and cheese type dish…

Gluten Free Banana Chocolate Chip Bread
I made this recipe into muffins the first time I found it, and I wanted to try it as bread the next time. It turned out even better as loaves since…

Gluten Free Banana Cupcakes with Peanut Butter Frosting {repost}
I made three types of gluten-free Easter treats last year and they were so good that I want to repost the recipes for this Easter in case anyone is…

Gluten Free Banana Protein Pancakes
These Gluten Free Banana Protein Pancakes are my absolute favorite breakfast right now. I made them a week ago and when they were all gone, I was…

Gluten Free Buffalo Chicken Dip
Buffalo Chicken Dip is a normal party food around these parts. Everyone loves it and no one ever seems to get tired of it. It's so simple to make…

Gluten Free Chipotle Meatloaf
I had it in my head that we'd have lentil meatballs, pasta, and Private Selection Arrabbiata Sauce that I got for free as a part of my Private…
Gluten free Chocolate Chip Cookies
I made these cookies because I had all of the ingredients and they seemed so easy...and I love cookies. And I loved these. Gluten free cookie…

Gluten Free Crispy Cereal Cakes
My friend was having a birthday and I wanted to make her a cake, gluten-free, of course! I didn't want to make a super rich flour-less cake or try…

Gluten Free Crispy Rice Eggs
I made three types of gluten-free Easter treats last year and they were so good that I want to repost the recipes for this Easter in case anyone is…
Gluten Free Lasagna with Tinkyada Noodles
A friend of ours has taken an interest in cooking over the last year and got a homemade sauce recipe from his mom. Lo was at his house one day…

Gluten Free Peanut Butter Cup Cookie Dough Crumble Bars
Two weeks ago I mentioned making Gluten Free Peanut Butter Cup Cookie Dough Crumble Bars based from a recipe from Averie Cooks, and it's time to…

Gluten Free Peanut Butter No-Bake Nests
This is my final repost of the gluten-free Easter treats I made last year. I thought these were just adorable, and assuming you like peanut butter…

Gluten Free Potato and Crab Chowder
I was at the store the other day picking out produce and decided to get potatoes. I always struggle between buying conventional or organic…

Gluten Free Pretzel Buckeye Bars
If you've ever been to Ohio, especially central Ohio and Ohio State University, you've probably had buckeye candy at one point or another. If you…

Gluten Free Protein Pancakes and Gluten-Full Pancake Mix
Gluten Free Protein Pancakes I really like these pancakes because they are high in protein, gluten-free, and have no added sugar. Since they…

Gluten Free Quinoa Salmon Burgers
I recently rediscovered how much I like Salmon Burgers, or Salmon Patties, so when I saw a recipe that included quinoa and was naturally gluten-free,…

Gluten Free Red Velvet Cream Cheese Bars
I posted this recipe for Gluten Free Red Velvet Cream Cheese Bars last year, but I thought this was the perfect opportunity to post it again in case…

Gluten Free Reese’s Egg Brownies
No, I didn't go on a Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs binge, but I'm not judging you if you did. If you somehow managed to get through Easter with…

Gluten Free Spanish Tortilla
I tore this recipe from a Clean Eating magazine last month and set it aside, so when I found a few pounds of potatoes in the cupboard, it was time to…

Gluten Free Special K Review
I heard that Special K came out with a gluten-free version, but I didn't rush out to buy it. It sounds good enough - technically is called Special…

Gluten Free Sugar Cookie Mix and Buttercream Frosting Recipe
I have a new favorite gluten-free sugar cookie mix that I picked up at Marshall's a month or so ago! When I bought the Pure Pantry Sugar Cookie…

Gluten Free Vegan Chocolate Chip Banana Bread Muffins
Gluten Free Vegan Chocolate Chip Banana Bread Muffin I'm definitely not vegan, but when I had 4 VERY brown bananas hanging out in the fridge…

Gluten free Zucchini Bread
I ended up with some extra zucchini in my fridge this summer (unfortunately, it wasn't grown in my volunteer garden), so I decided to make some…

Gluten-free Bibimbap
While it sounds like a song by the Hanson Brothers, it's actually a crazy delicious Korean dish that I had while visiting friends in Atlanta. Since…

Gluten-free Breaded Asiago Tilapia
We hadn't had fish in a few weeks, so when I needed something that would thaw quickly for the next day, frozen tilapia filets would be perfect. …
Gluten-free Chicken Avocado Spinach Burgers
I found myself with spinach and avocado in the fridge, and some ground chicken in the freezer and remembered seeing a pin about chicken and avocado…

Gluten-free Chocolate Chip PB Oatmeal Skillet Cookie
I always end up with too many extra cans of sweetened condensed milk in my pantry that are close to, or just past, their expiration date. I don't…
Gluten-free Chocolate-Covered Oreo Cake
This cake recipe is long overdue. Okay, it's only been just over a month since I made it, but it's so good, I should have posted it the next day. …
Gluten-Free Creamy Cajun Chicken Pasta
Creamy Cajun Chicken PastaAdapted from EatingWell: November/December 2010 6 servings, about 1 1/2 cups eachIngredients8 ounces rice pasta - I…

Gluten-Free Easter Treats
I was planning to make Banana Cupcakes with Peanut Butter Frosting for Easter again this year, and when I saw these no-bake Easter treats, I wanted…

Gluten-Free Nutella Cupcakes
I made these fun fall cupcakes for a bachelorette weekend in Hocking Hills. I had asked the bride-to-be if there was anything specific that she…

Gluten-free Peanut Butter Cup Cookie Dough Dip
I made this recipe (minus the almond meal) a couple of weeks ago to take to a friend's house to watch the US v. Mexico soccer match. I "tasted" too…

Gluten-Free Peanut Butter Kiss Cookie Goodness
Peanut Butter Kiss Cookies are a traditional Christmas cookie in my family. Since I’ve been gluten-free, they’ve become my go-to…
Gluten-Free Raw Samoas
Gluten-Free Raw Samoas1 cup dates (I use Sunsweet)1/4 cup unsweetened shredded coconut1/8 tsp. pure vanilla extractless than 1/4 tsp salt3 T.…

Gluten-free Waffle Donuts – No oven needed!
You know you can make donuts in a waffles maker, right? Wonuts, I guess? It's a game-changer. OR I'd been craving donuts, but it was…

Gluten-Free Wonder Buns
Gluten-free buns and bread have come a long way in taste and texture, but they are still pretty pricey and I usually forget to buy them anyway. …
Gluten-Free Wonder Buns
Since I've been gluten-free, I've missed having a burger or a sandwich on a bun. Some purchased GF bread products are satisfactory, but nothing…

Gorgonzola Salmon Burgers
Our fridge was more empty this week than it has been in a very long time...perhaps ever. It wasn't as dire as it sounds, because we could have made…

Grilled Cheesy Over Easy
A few weeks ago when we didn't have any plans for dinner, we decided on grilled cheese (which has been our fallback lately). We've been trying to…

Grilled Gluten Free BBQ Chicken Calzone
BBQ Chicken Calzone with Pineapple Salsa A few weeks ago when we were making pizza, Lo froze half of the Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free Pizza…

Grilled Pizza Nights!
Lo's Pepperoni and Sausage Pizza Lo's favorite food is pizza, specifically Adriatico's, but even when I was eating gluten, it always gave me…

Grilled Zucchini Ribbon Salad
During zucchini season I often buy zucchini without any plan for it. Days go by and I realize that I still don't have a plan and I don't want it to…

Grilled Zucchini Ribbons and Prosciutto
Prosciutto is the new bacon and this recipe proves it. I saw this recipe in a Food and Wine newsletter and I knew I had to make it while zucchini…