Reunited and it feels so good!

Maybe the title is an exaggeration, but not only have we not seen our friends for a few weeks, but it’s been even longer since we’ve seen the sweet dogs! Okay, sweet when they aren’t being crazy. We feel like people are always judging us because we don’t have pets. I think we were the only people in our apartment complex and now the only ones on our street who don’t have a dog (or even a cat). We like animals, but we’ve always enjoyed being able to do whatever we wanted without having to worry about a pet at home. I always explain that we totally plan to get a pet once we have to come home to kids anyway! But meanwhile, we enjoy loving these dogs. Mason isn’t as lovey as Nash because he knows he so cute and he doesn’t have to try as hard. Nash just wants to please everyone.
As you’re reading this there’s a fair chance that Nash is sitting on one of our laps in Florida.