Stay to the right!

Not that right!  This isn’t a political post (and to be honest, stay wherever you want on that topic).  Just a quick PSA because I don’t have time for anything else tonight.  When you are walking down a hallway, walking around a corner, or walking through a doorway (that others will also be walking through), stay to your right!  This is a simple concept…it’s just like you are driving.

My office building has lots of turns,  and the lobby and most departments are set up in 2 rectangle shapes, so you constantly have to turn a corner to get where you are going.  I turn 5 corners to get to the bathroom that is 15 feet away from my office  (if you could walk in a straight line).  Every day, I have to avoid someone plowing into me because they cut a corner because they totally didn’t expect one of 250 employees to be walking around the corner at that time (ok…my department would be one of 12-15 people at any given time).  When someone does almost plow into someone, they look at them like “wow, how did that happen?”  Um…you cut your corner because you thought you’d save a step.  They seriously had to install mirrors in the corner of the lobby because people constantly ran into each other around a particular entrance.

Another time to stay to the right is when you are walking down a narrow or crowded hallway, stairwell, or sidewalk.  If you are approaching someone head-on, don’t awkwardly try to decide which way to step to allow them to pass…just stay to your damn right!

If I’ve ever encountered you in one of these particular situations…I apologize for the thinly veiled look of disdain on my face, as I muttered “sorry” or “excuse me”, as if it could have been my fault.  It probably wasn’t.  I was probably on my right.


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