Steel Cut Oatmeal and Fruit Bake

Steel Cut Oat Bake |
I had a whole container of steel cut oats that I found when I cleaned out the pantry that I wanted to use. Steel cut oats take much longer to cook than regular oatmeal and they are made on the stovetop, so I certainly wasn’t going to make them each morning. I figured the easiest way to prepare them would be in an oatmeal bake. That way I could just scoop out portions into containers and take them into work each morning. There are a few recipes floating around the web for this type of bake, but none looked particularly good to me (or included strawberries that I need to use up). Oats that aren’t certified gluten free can cause reaction with people with gluten allergies as studies show that they are easily cross-contaminated. I usually use gluten-free oats, but these were bought well before I knew about my allergy. I didn’t have a reaction to these, but if you’re concerned, you should use certified GF oats. Sorry for the ugly pic – I’ll take a better one next time.
Steel Cut Oat and Fruit Bake
2 cups steel cut oats (mine were from Trader Joes)
4 cups milk (non-dairy is fine)
1 cup sliced strawberries
1 banana
1 cup fresh or frozen cranberries (or blueberries)
handful of dried fruit
1 t. baking powder
2 T. maple syrup
1 t. vanilla
sprinkle of cinnamon
pinch of salt
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Pour 2 cups of boiling water over the oats and let soak for 10-20 minutes to soften. Drain. Stir together all ingredients and pour into a greased 9×13 baking dish. Bake for 50 minutes. Allow to cool and portion into containers. In the morning, I just pour a little milk over my oats and microwave for 30-45 seconds (I don’t like my food very hot).
Next time I’m going to stir in some eggs or egg whites to add some protein.