September 30 Sunday Social
I rarely post on Sundays, but I’ve been meaning to join this Sunday Social linkup for months and I have finally remembered. Ashley and Neely post questions each week for people to answer on their blogs and linkup. So…here goes…

Living in the country on lots of land at my parents house. I miss the bright stars, the playing in the fields and woods, the silence of the day AND the super loud crickets and other creatures at night (Lo thinks they’re too loud when we stay there!). Most of my dreams (which are very vivid) are still based out of my parents house, even if I’m married to Lo in my dream or my friends from Columbus are in the dream. Yes we couldn’t get cable out there until I was almost out of high school, playing basketball on a gravel driveway isn’t awesome, and hilly chip and tar road suck to ride bikes, but I’m better off for those things (though with some scars from bike wrecks).
2. Did you have a nickname growing up? What was it?
I really didn’t. I think for a couple of years a couple of my friends used nicknames that ended in “bo” to write notes to each other; Valbo, Staybo, Kimbo, but it didn’t stick long. My spanish name is school though was Conchita Lupita Candita Sacerdote (but I totally don’t remember if that’s how everything was spelled). And no one called me that.
3. What was your favorite thing to do at recess?
Sports, sports sports. It was pretty much always football or basketball. There were only about 2-3 girls who were “allowed” to play football with the guys and I was usually picked before most of the guys. I was obsessed with basketball in middle school. Incidentally, two of my concussions were from football (elementary school and high school) and another was from basketball (high school). A fourth was from wrecking a rocking chair.
4. What did you want to be when you grew up?
I had a wide variety as aspirations, some of which I forgot about until I read old journals from english class: brain surgeon, NBA player (not WNBA), cowboy, a truck driver, and an ice cream shop owner. There was something about being in a car at night on the highway that made me want to be a truck driver. I can’t really explain the cowboy thing – but I remember thinking that would be awesome. At some point in middle school I started reading psychology books and knew I’d head into that field – which I did but have since strayed. Now I’m still looking for what I want to be when I grow up.
5. What was your favorite toy?
I went through phases for sure. Baby dolls when I was really young, then onto Barbies (we played adventure barbies in the woods), and then onto sports – so bikes, basketballs, volleyball in middle school. I had all the standards too: cabbage patch kids, care bears, popples (remember those!?), and pound puppies. We always had a lot of cats (2 indoor and countless porch/barn cats), and a dog or two and I played with them a lot, so they were kind of like toys.
Pineapple (no, she was not a Maine Coon):
I got this buggy for Christmas for my baby dolls and used it for years. It’s still around – my nieces and nephews played with it when they were younger too, but my nephews would get in trouble by my dad because they always just ran with it and he said they were going to break it.
6. What is the funniest thing you did as a kid that your parents still remind you about?
At first I couldn’t think of anything and was going to say that I was just weird. In middle school me and my friend would do or wear weird things on purpose to start a trend. I’m NOT a trend-setter anymore (other than the fact that I was always wore long socks for basketball and volleyball before that was normal). BUT I remember the thing that they laugh about. I don’t remember exactly how the story goes, but apparently when I was about 4 on the day before Easter, I came out of the bathroom with a towel over my head after coloring all over my face with black magic marker and yelled “Surprise!” (or something like that).
If you’re so inclined, pick a question and answer it for me in the comments (and if you have a blog, leave a link)!
We’re taking a Stand up Paddleboard Lesson today – it’s supposed to be like 61 degrees…wish us luck (and warmth)!