Sunday Social – Blogging
It’s Sunday Social day where Ashley and Neely post questions each week for people to answer on their blogs and a linkup.
- What is the name of your blog? How long have you been blogging?
I have two. I’ve been writing Columbus on the Cheap since March of 2009. I started doing it because I didn’t think there was a great resource about free and cheap events around the city. So that’s what I did. It’s kind of boring because it’s more informational than editorial. I’m just trying to give people the facts and don’t put a lot of personal info into it – I see it a more of a resource than anything else. It gets a lot of traffic, but not a lot of interaction. I only make a tiny bit of money off of it, but I continue because I think it’s a valuable resource. Through CotC, I became a contributor of Living on the Cheap, so I blog over there about twice a month.
This blog, That’s What We Did, has been around since last January and is my personal effort. I’ll answer the rest of the questions regarding this. - Why do you blog?
I love writing and I wanted a way to record what’s going on in our life and a place to put my recipes and such. We don’t live near our families, so it’s a way they can keep up with what’s going on in our lives. I like reading other’s personal blogs, too, so it’s nice to be a part of that group. - What is the first blog you ever followed?
I have no idea. Probably a financial-based or recipe blog. There’s also a fair chance I’m not still reading it because there are just so many good ones out there that I have to weed out ones that aren’t as relevant to me sometimes. - What is your favorite post you wrote in 2012?
Probably the Siesta Key Sept. recap because it was such a fun trip and I love the pictures. - What are your blogging goals for 2013?
Gain followers – I don’t have many at all, so I just want to grow the site. I started a FB page for the site, so that should help. - Top 3 favorite blogs to follow?
I definitely can’t pick. I read so many and like various ones for different reasons. I guess I’d have to say the ones where I know the writers in real life, like my SIL’s and a friend’s. I do have a section in my rss feeds for sites that I want to try to catch up with everyday, and A Complete Waste of Makeup is definitely in that section. I also love Young House Love – they do inexpensive house projects and updates and their posts are so much fun to read. I got their book for Christmas, so I can’t wait to crack into that and find some projects to do at our house.
I’d love to hear your answers in the comments – pick your favorite question!

Your trip looked amazing!!
Stopping by from Sunday Social!
Ramblings of a Suburban Mom
Thanks Jennifer! Thanks for stopping by – I loved checking out your blog and signed up for updates. The things that annoy you, annoy me too!